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Evelynn Garcia

Program Coordinator, Sands Center for Professional Development
Mail Code: 6021
Phone: 702-895-0876

Michael Gebhart, J.D., CHE

Associate Professor in Residence
Photo of Michael Gebhart
Mail Code: 6021
Phone: 702-895-3992

Babu George

Part-Time Instructor
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner

Darlene Girouard

Executive Assistant to the Dean
Darlene Girouard
Mail Code: 6021
Phone: 702-895-3930

Sam Goodrich

RPC Coordinator
Sam Goodrich
Mail Code: 6021
Phone: 7028953616

Lateka Grays

Hospitality Librarian & Professor
Lateka Grays Portrait
Mail Code: 6021
Phone: 702-895-2203

Renata Fernandes Guzzo

Assistant Professor
updated Renata's photo
Mail Code: 6021
Phone: 702-895-5870