David Cárdenas, Ph.D.

Headshot of David Cárdenas
Mail Code: 6021
Phone: 702-895-3308

Missy Arendash

Director of Events & Engagement
Headshot of Missy Arendash
Office: HOS 414
Mail Code: 6021
Phone: 702-895-5503

Seyhmus Baloglu, Ph.D., CHE

Professor and Associate Dean of Research, International Programs, and Graduate Affairs
Seyhmus Baloglu
Mail Code: 6021
Phone: 702-895-3932

Amanda Behnke

Director of Development
Headshot of Amanda Behnke
Mail Code: 6021
Phone: 702-895-0483

Darlene Girouard

Executive Assistant to the Dean
Darlene Girouard
Mail Code: 6021
Phone: 702-895-3930

Margaret Hausbeck

Assistant Dean of External Affairs
Margaret Hausbeck
Mail Code: 6021
Phone: 702-895-1052

Rhonda McElroy

Assistant Dean of Student Success
Mail Code: 6021
Phone: 702-895-5430

Angela Ramsey

Senior Director of Communication
Portrait of Angela Ramsey
Mail Code: 6021
Phone: 702-895-1016