Accomplishments: Department of Teaching and Learning

Shaoan Zhang (Teaching and Learning) has been appointed to be the Research Committee chair at the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE). The association's executive president, Alisa Chapman, noted, "This is a crucial leadership role for ATE especially as we begin to implement our newly approved strategic plan." 
Travis A. Olson (Teaching and Learning) authored the president's column in the May 2021 issue of Intersection Points: The Newsletter of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. The Research Council on Mathematics Learning seeks to stimulate, generate, coordinate, and disseminate research efforts designed to understand and/…
Howard R. D. Gordon (Teaching and Learning) recently was invited to Utah State University as a scholar lecture for the department of Applied Sciences, Technology and Education in the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. His lecture, "Career Technical Education Legislation: Impact on Today's Multigenerational Workforce," was attended by…
Shaoan Zhang and Katrina Liu (both Teaching and Learning), along with Guoxiang Wang and Michael Strong (both at Texas Tech University), published an article, “Preservice Teacher Professional Commitment: A Literature Review and Conceptual Model,” in the premier teacher education journal Teaching and Teacher Education. Wang was a doctoral student in…
Shaoan Zhang, Mark Carroll, Chengcheng Li (all Teaching and Learning), and Emily Lin (Graduate College) wrote "Supporting Part-time Students in Doctoral Programs: A Technology-based Situated Learning Model," which was published in Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education.   Shaoan Zhang, Chengcheng Li, and Danny Unger (all Teaching…
Heather Dahl (Counselor Education, School Psychology, & Human Services), Tina Vo (Teaching & Learning), and Margarita Huerta (Early Childhood, Multilingual, & Special Education) recently published an article, "Using a Science Literacy Lens to Conceptualize Anxiety around COVID 19: Strategies for Human Services…
Michelle A. Arroyo (Teaching & Learning) published a chapter, "The Social and Emotional Issues of Teacher's Professional Identity Development," in the textbook Leading Schools With Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD)
Xue "Cher" Xing (Teaching and Learning) recently was selected as a Fellow in the 2021 Postsecondary Leadership Success Program at Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) – sponsored by ECMC Foundation. The goal of the program is to support current and aspiring leaders in career and technical education (CTE) and provide professional…
Alfred Acquah (Teaching and Learning) published a peer-reviewed article on "Higher Education Finance Between Ghana and the United States" in the journal Current Issues of Comparative Education. The paper comparatively analyzes higher education funding sources in Ghana and the U.S., considering both countries' goals for higher…
Norma A. Marrun, De'Ana R. Mauldin, and Christine Clark (all Teaching and Learning), along with Tara J. Plachowski, '19 PhD Teacher Education, published an article, “Teachers Don’t Really Encourage It”: A Critical Race Theory Analysis of High School Students’ of Color Perceptions of the Teaching Profession," in Multicultural Education…
Travis A. Olson (Teaching & Learning) began his two-year term as the president of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning (RCML) on Feb. 28. During the past year, he has served on the council's Executive Board as president-elect. Three years prior to that, Olson served on the RCML Executive Board as secretary. After his term as…
Marcela Rodriguez-Campo (Teaching & Learning) published the article "Testimonio in Education" in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. The article explores the historical origins and functions of testimonio in order to understand how it has been adopted within educational settings as a pedagogy and method for decolonial work.…