Accomplishments: College of Sciences

Mary Blankenship (The Lincy Institute, Brookings Mountain West, Economics, Chemistry) recently had part one of a two-part report published in the Brookings Institution blog, Africa in Focus. The piece, "Russia’s Narratives about its Invasion of Ukraine are Lingering in Africa," analyzes Twitter data to examine the broader Russian narratives…
Satish Bhatnagar (Math) gave a keynote address on the topic, Swadeshi Research Methodology in Sciences and  Engineering at the inaugural session of a  workshop earlier this month. It was mandatory for all researchers and was jointly organized by the colleges of Sciences and Engineering of the Maharishi Dayanand University at Rohtak (…
Helen Wing (Life Sciences) and colleagues from UNLV and the University of Miami in Florida are the authors of a recent publication in the Journal of Bacteriology  The publication reveals new insight into Shigella, a bacterial pathogen that affects roughly 450,000 people in the U.S. annually. The report identified a negative feedback loop…
Hossein Madhani (Life Sciences) was awarded a Graduate Student Research Award from the Botanical Society of America for his proposal, The Role of Immune System Incompatibilities in the Evolution of Isolating Barriers within an Ongoing Adaptive Radiation. The $1,500 award will support his study of disease-resistance (R)-gene diversity across…
Elizabeth Stacy (Life Sciences) has been awarded a $1,184,175 grant from the National Science Foundation to examine The Genetic Basis of Local Adaptation Across an Island Adaptive Radiation.  The project will combine gene expression, quantitative genetics, and evolutionary genomics analyses to uncover the major gene regions associated with…
Ashkan Salamat (Physics and Astronomy) is the joint recipient of The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Grant, along with colleagues Ranga Dias (University of Rochester) and Audrey Grockowiak (CNPEM, Brazilian synchrotron). The project, “Exploring the Limits of High-temperature Superconductivity,” is funded at $1,624,838 for 48 months (of which $…
Jason Steffen (Physics and Astronomy) was the lead organizer for a major international conference on Exoplanets (planets that orbit distant stars). The conference took place the M Resort in Henderson, and brought together more than 500 scientists from around the world for a week of scientific talks, discussions, and collaboration.
Kwang Kim (Mechanical Engineering) and Dong-Chan Lee (Chemistry) are inventors of a patent, Fabricating Ionic/Polyimide Membranes with its issue number, US 11,312,851, recently granted by the , the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.   
Amanda Ostwald and Arya Udry (both Geoscience) and their collaborators, Valerie Payré (NAU), Esteban Gazel (Cornell), and Peiyu Wu (Cornell) published a paper, “The Role of Assimilation and Factional Crystallization in the Evolution of the Mars Crust”, in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Ostwald is geoscience graduate student, and…
Aude Picard, Nader Nabeh, and Cheyenne Brokaw (all Life Sciences) published a research article, "Quantification of Organic Carbon Sequestered by Biogenic Iron Sulfide Minerals in Long-Term Anoxic Laboratory Incubations," in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology. Organic carbon preservation in sedimentary environments is a critical process…
David Rice, Jason Steffen (both Physics and Astronomy) and their collaborator, Chenliang Huang from the University of Arizona, published an open-source software package that models the interior structures of rocky and water-rich planets. This code was designed to facilitate the collaboration between UNLV astronomers who study extrasolar planets,…
Maria Aladjova (School of Health Sciences Advising Center) and Lae Morales (College of Sciences Advising Center) recently served on a panel of academic advisors at the 2022 Region 9 NACADA Conference in Orange, California. They shared their successes and challenges that could be used in the planning process of designing future training activities…