Accomplishments: College of Sciences

Members of the Radiochemistry program were recently published in the journal Inorganic Chemistry with an article titled, "Structural Investigation of Technetium Dibutylphosphate Species Using X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy."  First author, Jonathan George, is a master's student in Radiochemistry through the Department of…
Published: VirB, a key transcriptional regulator of Shigella virulence, requires a CTP ligand for its regulatory activities Professor Helen J. Wing (Life Sciences) and a team of researchers published their findings in a top-ranked microbiology journal, mBIO, and received the honor of "editors pick" in the journal. The paper lists Taylor Gerson, a…
Farhad Shokoohi (Mathematical Sciences) had his paper titled "Sparse Estimation in Finite Mixture of Accelerated Failure Time and Mixture of Regression Models with R Package fmrs" accepted by "The New England Journal of Statistics in Data Science". The paper focuses on a novel Machine and Statistical learning method for high-dimensional data…
Katie Wade-Jaimes, Micah Stohlmann, Katrina Liu (Education), Monika Neda (Sciences), and Mei Yang (Engineering) received a grant of $1.2M from the National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program to prepare culturally competent science and math teachers. The team will prepare a new cadre of eight undergraduate STEM students per…
David King (Chemistry and Biochemistry) was awarded a $20,000 grant under the Nevada NASA Space Grant Consortium for the 2023-24 year to support his project in flame retardant polymer research under his advisor Pradip K. Bhowmik. The goal of his project is to continue investigation on polymeric fire retardants as a safer and environmentally…
Zhaohuan Zhu (Physics and Astronomy) with UNLV’s Nevada Center for Astrophysics is part of an international research team that recently published findings and images supporting the theory of gravitational instability in planet formation. Zhu, a co-author on an article published July 25 in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, had published…
Harry Jang (Chemistry) recently was published in ACS Omega for his work titled, "Synthesis and Morphological Control of UO2F2 Particulates."  Jang is a supported by the Consortium of Nuclear Security Technologies (CONNECT), a partnership with the University of Texas at San Antonio awarded by the Minority Serving Institutes Partnership Program…
Grant: Advising Colleagues from Across Campus The UNLV Academic Advising community was recently awarded a two-time grant from the Stupski Foundation to focus on wellness initiatives for academic advising professionals within NACADA Region 9 institutions. Two teams submitted a proposal that addresses the needs for wellness, sustainability,…
Farhad Shokoohi (Mathematical Sciences) and colleagues A. Khalili, M. Asgharian, both of McGill University, and S. Lin (Ohio State University) co-authored an article titled "Sparse estimation in semi-parametric finite mixture of varying coefficient regression models". The paper introduces an unsupervised learning and feature selection methods…
Jorge Reyes (Mathematical Sciences) published a micro article titled, "Examples of identities and inequalities for the nonlinear term in the Navier–Stokes equation," in the Journal Examples and Counterexamples.
The American Astronomical Society (AAS) recently held their 241st AAS meeting in Seattle, Washington. During the meeting students from across the nation participated in the Chambliss Astronomy Achievement Student Poster Competition where students present their posters and are judged by volunteer judges.  Margaret Johnston (Physics and…
Second-year Ph.D. student Hossein Madhani (Life Sciences) received a $5,800 EECG Research Award from the American Genetic Association. The EECG program funds highly competitive proposals from graduate students or postdocs that address genome-scale questions, or ecological, evolutionary, and conservation genetics questions that are best addressed…