Accomplishments: College of Sciences

Simon Jowitt and Brian McNulty (Geoscience) recently published a paper in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews on critical metals – often discarded as a byproduct of mining operations – that are vital components in the global push for low-carbon energy generation, storage, and transport. Researchers explored the current global…
Kelly Tseng (Life Sciences) was awarded a four-year $747,500 National Institutes of Health grant titled, "Regulation of Eye Regrowth in Xenopus laevis." The goal of this grant is to understand the mechanisms of eye regeneration. She was also awarded a Research Infrastructure grant from the Nevada NASA Space Grant Consortium to study the role of…
Bowen Liu and Malwane M.A. Ananda (both Mathematical Sciences) published an article titled, "A Generalized Family of Exponentiated Composite Distributions" in Mathematics. This paper proposed a new family of distributions. Two special models within this family were introduced, and both models demonstrated great performance when fitting…
Cory Rusinek (Chemistry and Biochemistry) was awarded $315,000 from Batelle Savannah River Alliance, LLC for his project titled, "Long-term monitoring of pertechnetate and other radionuclides in groundwater using passive sampling and a novel electrochemical sensor." The funding comes from the Minority Serving Institutions Partnership Program…
Harry Jang (Chemistry and Biochemistry) has been awarded a prize in the Innovations in Nuclear Technology R&D Awards sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, office of nuclear fuel and supply chain. Jang's award is in the Competition for Students at Universities with Less than $600 Million in 2020 R&D Expenditures. His award-winning…
Art Gelis, Dan Koury, and Kelly Seeley (all Chemistry and Biochemistry) recently were published in JACS, the Journal of the American Chemical Society for their work, "Transuranium Sulfide via the Boron Chalcogen Mixture Method and Reversible Water Uptake in the NaCuTS3 Family." This research, in collaboration with University of Columbia…
Kelly Tseng, (Life Sciences) is the recipient of a new sponsored research program with Provectus Biopharmaceuticals, a clinical-stage biotechnology company. The project is to investigate and characterize the effects of Provectus' drug product on vertebrate tissue regeneration and repair.
Mary Blankenship (The Lincy Institute, Brookings Mountain West, Economics, Chemistry) recently had her research on Twitter posts featured in a Las Vegas Review-Journal story and on a City Cast Las Vegas podcast episode. She collects and studies varying public responses on Twitter that occur after a mass shooting. After reviewing tweets…
Maria Aladjova (Health Sciences), Elizabeth Johnson, Sheetal Survase (both Academic Success Center), Kevin McVay (College of Sciences), Janelle Yasukochi (Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education), John Starkey, Stephen Sumnner, Tashauna Stewart, Jason Kantrowitz, and Beth Gersten (all Lee Business) all are part of the UNLV…
David G. Costa (Mathematical Sciences) and Paul Schulte (Life Sciences) have signed a contract regarding the publication of a book titled "An Invitation to Mathematical Biology" that is planned to appear in "Springer Nature".
Sean Neiswenter, Momilani Tupu (both Life Sciences), Chad Cross (Epidemiology & Biostatistics), and two colleagues from the Clark County office of the coroner and medical examiner published the article "Postmortem THC in Decedents following Legalization of Recreational Cannabis in Clark County, Nevada" in the Journal of Forensic Sciences…
Satish C. Bhatnagar (Math) gave a talk on the Powers of Mathematical Thinking last month. It was attended by the graduate students and faculty of mathematics department of Central University of Punjab and Baba Farid College, Bathinda (India).