Accomplishments: William F. Harrah College of Hospitality

Toni Repetti and doctorate student Liheng Zhang (both Hospitality) article "Food and Beverage Staffing Changes in Nevada Resorts After the Great Recession" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Hospitality Financial Management. This paper evaluated how restaurants within casino resorts adjusted staffing after the…
Christopher Cain (PGA Management Program) successfully completed the Professional Golfers' Association's (PGA) highest level of education — the PGA master professional in executive management. The PGA master professional program was established in 1969 to recognize PGA professionals who make a significant effort to improve themselves as golf…
Marla Royne Stafford (Hospitality) recently had her co-written article, "Managerial–Consumer Eco-Harmful Media Perceptions and Eco-Conscious Attitudes," published in the Journal of Advertising Research. The article explores managers' estimates (and mis-estimates) of consumer eco-harmful perceptions of paper and electronic-…
Amanda Belarmino (Hospitality) wrote a chapter, "The Sharing Economy in Tourism Cities," which appears in The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Cities.
Cass Shum, Ankita Ghosh, and Jaimi Garlington (all Hospitality) recently had their article, "Why Won’t She Break Rules to Promote Service? Effects of Gender, Gender Identification, and Honesty," published in the International Journal of Hospitality Management. The paper investigates the gender difference in expressions of honesty…
Amanda Belarmino, and Liheng Zhang (both Hospitality), along with Tevfik Demirciftci, '20 PhD Hospitality, wrote an article, "Online Reviews and Travel Magazine Awards: Their Influence on Willingness-to-Pay," that was published this month in the Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management. Zhang is a doctoral student.
Marla Royne Stafford (Hospitality) recently coauthored an article that appeared in the Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising. It highlights the importance of linguistics in examining the effectiveness of celebrities’ social media content, particularly that of Olympic athletes. The authors collected and assessed…
Toni Repetti (Hospitality) published an article titled "How Hospitality Firm Executive Diversity Affects Firm Performance" in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.   
Anthony Lucas (Hospitality) and his co-author recently published the article "Examining Expanded Differences in Slot Machine Pars: An Analysis of Revenue Impacts and Player Sensitivity to 'Price'" in the International Journal of Hospitality Management. The study indicated increases in revenue for high-par games with no clear signs of play…
Hyun "Grace" Chatfield, Seyhmus Baloglu (both Hospitality), Robert E. Chatfield, and Percy Poon (both Finance) recently published their article "Preferred Stock Issuance in the Restaurant Industry and Financial Distress" in the Journal of Foodservice Business Research.   The purpose of this study is to offer insights into why…
Hyelin Kim (Hospitality) and her co-authors recently published "Examining the Impacts of Touristification on Quality of Life (QOL): The Application of the Bottom-up Spillover Theory" in The Service Industries Journal. The study aims to understand touristification and the influence of this phenomenon on residents’ quality of life.
Anthony Lucas (Hospitality) and his co-author recently published their article "Pushing the Limits of Increased Casino Advantage on Slots: An Examination of Performance Effects and Customer Reactions" in the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly journal. The study examined performance data from reel slot games located in two casinos and revealed…