Experts In The News

Credit Donkey

Have $10,000 to invest? Here are 14 smart investments ideas to turn $10k into even bigger money.

Insurance Journal

University of Nevada, Las Vegas announced the establishment of the Kerestesi Center for Insurance and Risk Management within the Lee Business School.

K.N.P.R. News

About two months after the Civil War ended, slaves in America learned of their emancipation. It was June 19, 1865, 158 years ago.

Popular Mechanics

To reverse signals in time, we’ve always used a digital approach. Now, a new analog method could dramatically improve wireless communications.

Globe Newswire

Up to 50 percent of people in the U.S. with Alzheimer’s receive an imprecise or inaccurate diagnosis of their cognitive condition. The tools typically used to detect the disease, like a PET scan, can cost thousands of dollars and are generally only available in places with large medical institutions. And African Americans are 35 percent less likely to be diagnosed than their White counterparts.

Mongabay News

Conservation of the Amazon rainforest is Colombia’s greatest contribution to solving the global climate crisis.

Vegas Business Digest

Dr. Megan Rauch Griffard from UNLV’s Department of Educational Psychology and Higher Education’s project Dissecting the Educator Talent Pipeline and Educators’ ROI in Nevada will focus on whether CTE certificates in education concentrations lead to eventual employment in education, seek to understand how long NSHE education majors take to earn their desired degree by educational attainment level, and how the wages of educators compare to other workers with comparable education and experience in Nevada by educational attainment level.

Stoltmann Law

A revised Finra proposal that makes it harder for brokers to clear their records of customer disputes has gained the backing of previous critics because it allows state regulators to weigh in on expungement decisions.