Experts In The News

Kansas City Star

Between buying a ticket to Vegas, booking a hotel room, gambling, eating, drinking, and partaking in other excursions, it’s easy to run up a hefty tab in Sin City. Downtown Grand is aiming to appeal to budget travelers, however, by introducing its “Welcome Back to the Downtown Deal.”

Travel + Leisure

If you already think airport security is a hassle, you better buckle up if you spot "SSSS" printed on your boarding pass. The dreaded designation stands for Secondary Security Screening Selection, and it means your airport security experience is about to get a lot more intense. When you're tagged for SSSS, you'll have to undergo an extra security screening, and it can add anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour — or more — to the whole security process. Here's everything you need to know about SSSS.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Nearly a century ago, writer Aldous Huxley called Los Angeles “19 suburbs in search of a metropolis.” In many ways, Las Vegas is the 20th suburb. The two cities share such links as the Old Spanish Trail, the L.A. to Salt Lake Railroad and Interstate 15. Three Southern California architects also did a great deal to make Las Vegas look the way it has and does.

Dagens Nyheter

Crimes will be significantly fewer if you attack the criminal logistics. This is the opinion of the American criminologist Tamara Herold, who is on a temporary visit to Stockholm.

Voice of America

A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that birth rates in the United States have dropped significantly. And as Adriana Arévalo explains to us, analysts warn about the economic consequences.

One of the most enduring myths of the casino floor is that a slot machine is more likely to hit a jackpot when it hasn’t hit for awhile because it’s “due.” Watch any busy bank of slots and you’re likely to see gamblers playing musical stools, attempting to get a feel for which machine is next to pay off big.

Travel + Leisure

Turning your phone on "airplane mode" once your plane is preparing for takeoff is a standard part of any frequent flier's onboard routine. In airplane mode, your phone is disconnected from cellular networks, but you can still use the device — and even connect it to in-flight Wi-Fi if it's available.

The New York Times

There are simple ways to increase intensity without turning your stroll into a slog.