Experts In The News

Common Wealth Magazine

As the voter turnout rate in university student union elections has continued to drop in recent years, more and more people have questioned whether university student self-government is necessary. Taiwan is proud of its democracy. Why do college students feel less and less interested in participating in student self-healing?

K.N.P.R. News

Homelessness isn’t a modern problem. It goes back at least 2,000 years. The Bible and Quran talk about it, with both stressing the importance of charity for the homeless. In 2023, though, people wonder if charity is enough. In modern times, states fund job training, hoping that putting people to work will overcome economic need, which often leads to homelessness.

Business of Home

By leveraging the latest research and technology, designers can create healthier spaces for clients.


It’s no secret that in the Black community, when it came to mental health, silence ruled as many families adopted a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ mentality. Black folks didn’t talk about their “touched” uncle locked in the back room, or they urged their loved ones to “suck it up because if we made it through slavery, we could make it through anything.”


Former pilots and aviation lawyers weigh in.

Las Vegas Review Journal

With mortgage rates at their highest level since mid-March, homebuilders in Las Vegas are employing a long-used tactic to help keep sales flowing during a tight market — reduced mortgages.

K.T.N.V. T.V. ABC 13

Memorial Day kicked off the unofficial start of summer, but it also serves as a grim reminder of the alarming fatal crashes nationwide.

K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now

Seven in ten Americans use social media regularly. Chances are you have more than one site you frequent with new ones popping up each day, but do you feel fulfilled? Is it possible to get more out of your online life?