Experts In The News

Research America

More than 6.7 million individuals in the U.S. have Alzheimer’s disease, and that number is growing rapidly. Each day that passes without effective treatments brings tragic consequences for patients and their loved ones. As the debate over coverage for new Alzheimer’s drugs continues, Dr. Jeffrey Cummings of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, joined us to discuss the challenging path that led to these medicines, the state of the science now, and hope for the future.

Washington Monthly

By targeting labor law and the much-maligned administrative state, the justices showed that rolling back workers’ rights is just one tactic in their larger war.

KNX Radio

KNX In Depth's Charles Feldman and Rob Archer discuss a new study that looks into Alzheimer's research and drugs. It sounds optimistic when it comes to the future of treating the disease.

Las Vegas Sun

The head of a state watchdog agency is alleging Gov. Joe Lombardo improperly used his uniform and badge while as Clark County Sheriff to campaign for governor and is recommending the largest fine in state history for the alleged ethics violations.

K.L.A.S. T.V. 8 News Now

Whether or not Las Vegas secures a new baseball team and ballpark, new research shows the valley’s sports renaissance has already attracted millions of dollars, hundreds of thousands of spectators, and an increased need for transportation and other infrastructure improvements.

The Sunday Guardian

Can India look into the US government’s healthcare insurance as a case study to take its Ayushman Bharat to globally accepted delivery parameters?


In the event of nuclear war, the ultra-rich can hide away in their luxury bunkers that cost anywhere from $35,000 to $14 million. But what about the rest of us?

Las Vegas Review Journal

The mirrored, million-dollar canopy remains as it always was; the same can’t be said of the surroundings reflected in its silvery depths.