Experts In The News

K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3

Questions still remain after a missing Titanic submersible suffered a 'catastrophic implosion' and left five people dead.

The Nevada Independent

More than five decades ago, Nevada gaming regulators considered any legalized gaming outside of the Silver State as a foreign business operation.


In the year of Our Lord 2023, you’d expect sex positivity to extend to people with sexually transmitted diseases – but why does contracting something like HPV feel like a dating death sentence?

Voice of America

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's world-renowned trip to China has come to an end, with major differences between the U.S. and China remaining over Taiwan that have lingered for decades, though Congressional Republicans are critical of Blinken. Disappointed by the visit, and Blinken's public statement in China that the United States "does not support" Taiwan independence has also aroused criticism from the opposition. Some Republican members of Congress said that Taiwan has become independent, and no matter what Blinken says, it cannot change this fact.


All stories start somewhere – even the incomprehensibly vast expanse above us has a beginning. Scientists have long studied the cosmos, searching for answers to the “how’s” and “why’s” of life, and that effort continues to this day.

Focus Gaming News

The International Gaming Standards Association’s board has approved the committee’s creation.

Precision Medicine

Newly approved anti-amyloid therapies have spurred hope for patients and caregivers affected by Alzheimer's disease, but access to these drugs could be stymied by a lack of convenient and available beta-amyloid testing options.


The report of an alien sighting at a Las Vegas home made headlines around the world. The reported sighting was triggered when a mysterious fireball was seen falling from the sky. That's when numerous calls came to 911 with one Las Vegas caller claiming an alien was in their backyard. Astrophysicist Jason Steffen says it was a meteor, not a spaceship, and it probably landed in the ocean. Inside Edition's Jim Moret returned to the Las Vegas home that reportedly spotted the aliens.