Harriet Barlow
Campus News |
If a student discloses that they were sexually assaulted or in a violent relationship, do you know what to do? UNLV's Title IX coordinator explains how the law has helped establish clear processes.
Jonathon Anderson
People |
The new architecture professor on Ducatis, desert living, and ignoring the boundaries between art and design.
Neal Smatresk gives the State of the University address
Campus News |
President Neal Smatresk explained UNLV's plan to become a Tier 1 research university during his annual campus address.
Pirro Dollani
People |
Administrative assistant Sandy O’Brien recently was named as the second-place President’s Classified Employee of the Year. Read about her uncommon commitment to her department and its students.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Arts and Culture |
Writers and speakers engage audiences in lively social and political debate at BMI's series of free public events.
Jessica Jaynes
People |
Statistics professor looks for the connections between medicine and the innovative design of experiments.
Three magazines stacked on top of each other
Arts and Culture |
Award-winning documentaries shed light on the weighty issues in economic justice and our legal system. Watch the films and join the conversation.
People protesting
Arts and Culture |
Law professor Addie Rolnick reviews Made in L.A., the story of an early anti-sweatshop campaign targeting the retailer Forever 21. The film is part of the Public Interest Law Film Festival, Sept. 19-20.
Ruben Garcia
Arts and Culture |
Film explores businesses based on the democratic model — cooperatives. Law professor Ruben Garcia leads post-screening discussion during law school's film festival, Sept. 19-20.
People protesting
Arts and Culture |
Law professor Francine Lipman reviews We're Not Broke, a film about the way sophisticated taxpayers are shifting their share of the burden to others. The film is part of the Boyd Public Interest Law Film Festival, Sept. 19-20.
Neal Smatresk speaking at podium
Campus News |
President Neal Smatresk to outline vision for the year ahead, including UNLV’s progression into a top tier university. Address will replay on Clark County Television Sept. 18-22.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Arts and Culture |
The extraordinary folk music that inspired Liszt, Bartok, and Kodaly is performed by both the Folk Orchestra and the world-famous Gypsy Orchestra.