Magdalena Martinez headshot
People |
A quick comment by a UNLV professor changed the course of her life. Now back at UNLV as new Lincy Institute director of education, Martinez hopes to influence the lives of Nevada's children through her policy research.
Researchers Christopher Adcock and Elisabeth Hausrath
Research |
UNLV researchers report in Nature Geoscience that phosphate, which plays a role in life-creating chemical reactions, may have been more plentiful on early Mars than during the emergence of life on Earth.
Barbara Luke
Research |
Resident experts Barbara Luke and Wanda Taylor weigh in as UNLV prepares to participate in the Great Nevada Shakeout on Thursday.
Bruce Leonard
People |
An Army and Navy veteran, nursing professor Bruce Leonard lived in many states before moving to Las Vegas. He came to UNLV on the advice of a current nursing professor.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Arts and Culture |
The 48-Hour Short Film Contest runs Nov. 8-10 at UNLV. Entry deadline is Oct. 25.
Jenny Pharr
People |
UNLV's first graduate of the community health PhD returns to see through her work in creating a healthier community.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Campus News |
DesertSol also ties for third place in the engineering contest and was the top performing home by an American team in the prestigious international competition.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Arts and Culture |
The concert is a joint collaboration between UNLV's departments of dance and music, with funding support from the vice president for research and the College of Fine Arts.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Campus News |
DesertSol ranked second overall through eight events; fifth place in architectural design. The grand prize winner will be announced Saturday.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Arts and Culture |
Catch the UNLV Jazz Ensemble I & the UNLV Latin Jazz Ensemble at 7:30 p.m, Oct. 15 in the Judy Bayley Theatre.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Campus News |
Desert Sol ranked second overall through six events; Grand Prize winner to be announced Saturday
Pat Mulroy
Business and Community |
Water Authority executive Pat Mulroy spends a week as a visiting scholar and encourages engineering students to keep an eye on the big picture.