Michelle Giddings
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The psychiatric nurse practitioner discusses why she loves teaching students how to work with the mentally ill.
DesertSol house
Campus News |
UNLV students are building the ultimate desert home. Read about the home's features in this team update.
Jefferson Kinney
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Psychology professor Jefferson Kinney picks apart the brain to find the cellular mechanism responsible for Alzheimer's and schizophrenia.
Fingers scrolling on a tablet
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New book helps families work through the challenges that fast-changing technology poses to relationships.
Sheniz Moonie
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Biostatistician Sheniz Moonie zeroes in on the factors that influence the health of Nevadans, particularly those with asthma.
Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Campus News |
Regents Cedric Crear, James Dean Leavitt and Michael Wixom, and UNLV’s Don Snyder will serve on board to address feasibility of UNLV stadium project.
Thelma Todd in a still from 1931
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Murdered by a mobster? A surprising suicide? Alumnus says the truth behind Thelma Todd’s death wouldn’t make a dramatic movie ending.
Brent Hathaway
Campus News |
Hathaway will join UNLV Oct. 1 as dean and Ted and Doris Lee Professor of Business; served as business dean at the University of Wyoming since 2004.
Andy Kirk
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The director of UNLV's public history program explains why the myth that Las Vegas has no history persists.
Tom Maderick
Arts and Culture |
Solar Decathlon 2013 team member creates clock for solar home using burnt scrap pieces.
Brian Hedlund taking a water sample
Campus News |
UNLV scientists collaborate with DOE's Joint Genome Institute, publish findings on exploration of microbial dark matter in latest issue of Nature.
Two people looking at a variety of hot sauces on a table
Research |
Researchers find elevated lead levels in some hot sauces imported from Mexico; urge enforceable screening standards.