A flexible work schedule (FWS) is a non-traditional working arrangement that considers an individual’s personal needs while effectively addressing and satisfying the university’s business needs. Flexible work includes more than just remote work arrangements.

UNLV recognizes that providing workplace flexibility supports the well-being of our employees and helps the university achieve its goals.

Flexible Work Policy

All flexible work arrangements must adhere to the rules outlined in the UNLV Flexible Work Arrangement Policy.

Please note that the UNLV Flexible Work Policy applies to employees who reside in Nevada. See below for information about remote work outside Nevada and the U.S. Contact flexwork@unlv.edu to speak with a Human Resources representative about arrangements for out-of-state employees.

UNLV Flexible Work Policy

Requesting a Flexible Work Arrangement

To request a flexible work arrangement, follow these steps:

  1. Discuss and agree upon a work arrangement with your manager
  2. Ensure your appointing authority is in agreement with your desired arrangement
  3. Complete the Flexible Work Arrangement Form in Workday

Types of Flexible Work Arrangements

There are multiple flexible work schedule options to meet individual employee and departmental needs.

  • Variable Work Week (flex schedule) - Work schedules that are different from the department’s standard operating hours (e.g., Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
  • Innovative (compressed) work week - An employee works longer hours in fewer days. Examples include:
    • Four (4) days per week, ten (10) hours / day
    • Four (4) days per week, nine (9) hours per day and one (1) day, four (4) hours per day
  • Temporary Flexible Time - A work alternative that provides the option of occasionally working from a virtual location (e.g., home or a different department or off-campus location) for part of the employee’s assignment.
  • Fully Remote Work (FRW) - A workplace arrangement where a position is one that is intended for the employee to work remotely without a physical worksite location designated by UNLV.
  • Temporary Remote Work (TRW) - A workplace arrangement where a position is intended for an employee to work from a location other than their official UNLV designated worksite for no more than three (3) days per week. Days should be consistent and agreed upon by the employee and manager.


The following are eligibility requirements for all flexible work arrangements except Fully Remote Work:

  • Full-time and part-time employees from the following classifications are eligible:
    • Administrative faculty
    • Classified staff
    • Letter of appointment
    • Graduate assistants
    • Postdoctoral scholars
    • Student employees
  • The employee must be employed at UNLV in their current position for no less than three (3) months prior to applying for a FWS
  • The job must be one that can accommodate such a request
  • The employee must demonstrate a work ethic that can support a flexible work schedule

Fully Remote Work Eligibility

Administrative faculty positions are classified as eligible or ineligible for fully remote work and notated on the position description.

Positions classified as eligible for fully remote work, must achieve and maintain satisfactory ratings during performance reviews.

A flexible work schedule may not be appropriate for all areas. Approval of a flexible work schedule is at the discretion of supervisors and the appointing authority for that area.

Sponsored international employees and their supervisors should contact International Student and Scholar Services at isss@unlv.edu or 702-774-6477 to discuss any immigration implications of flexible work schedules/remote work arrangements prior to final approval

Telecommuting / Remote Work Options

Virtual Meeting Expectations

Virtual meetings are considered an extension of face-to-face interaction. As such, all employees are expected to follow the below guidelines when participating in virtual meetings:

  • Meetings with less than 10 participants: All cameras must be on
  • Meetings with 10 or more participants: Having cameras turned on is not required
    • All participants should be engaged whether their camera is on or off

Occasionally there may be circumstances that do not allow for cameras to be turned on, such as:

  • There is an interruption or distraction that needs to be addressed; or
  • The faculty or staff member is ill and approved to work remotely or is approved to work remotely to care for someone who is ill.

UNLV provides free virtual backgrounds to help address concerns regarding background locations.

Telecommuting Resources and Information

Checking out UNLV-owned Equipment

Before taking UNLV-owned equipment off university property, you must complete an equipment loan agreement. Work with your area’s asset coordinator to complete the appropriate documentation. Speak with your manager if you need help in identifying your area’s asset coordinator.

Space Allocation

UNLV is not required to maintain space on campus for positions that are designated as fully remote. Employees can reserve hoteling offices and workstations to support flexible work schedules. Appointing authorities should consult with Human Resources and Space Management to determine the best approach for remote-eligible positions.

Employees that work remotely 50% or more of the time should not be assigned an individual office or work space. In these cases, offices and/or work spaces should be shared resources that may be assigned to multiple employees or identified as a hoteling space.

Remote Work Checklists for Employees and Supervisors

Remote Work Outside of the U.S.

In general, remote work is not permitted in foreign jurisdictions. Requests for international remote work due to special circumstances must be submitted and reviewed by human resources, general counsel, the vice president or dean for the requesting area, International Student and Scholar Services, the Office of Information Technology (OIT) and payroll. Requests for international remote work must be critical to the university meeting its academic and research missions.

Out-of-State Remote Work

For fully remote work, the employee’s official work location will be their home address.

It is the employee’s responsibility to determine any potential tax and benefits implications of maintaining an alternate worksite at their home or other location. UNLV will not provide tax guidance, nor will it assume any additional tax liabilities. Individuals are encouraged to consult a qualified tax professional to discuss income tax implications and UNLV’s Benefits office for potential benefits changes.