Types of Administrative Faculty

Administrative faculty includes the following:

  • Executive faculty, which consists of the vice chancellors and the presidents and vice presidents of NSHE member institutions.
  • Supervisory faculty, which consists of persons who perform predominantly office or non-manual work of a supervisory nature as head of a college, school, center, division, laboratory, or other administrative unit of a member institution or special unit of NSHE.
  • Support faculty, which consists of persons, including but not limited to teaching assistants, laboratory assistants, athletic coaches, and assistant athletic coaches, who perform predominately office or non-manual work of a:
    • Confidential nature performed under the direct supervision of a member of the executive faculty.
    • Predominantly intellectual, specialized or technical nature requiring training, experience or knowledge in a field of science, learning, or occupation customarily acquired by a course of specialized intellectual instruction, studies, or experience, which is performed under general supervision only and requires the consistent exercise of discretion and judgment.

Salary Ranges

The Nevada System of Higher Education's (NSHE) Board of Regents periodically updates salary ranges for administrative faculty members.

Ranges are adjusted based on a review of faculty salaries at other institutions of higher learning. Ranges also are updated to reflect cost-of-living increases when given by the Nevada Legislature and approved by the NSHE Board of Regents.

Administrative faculty positions are assigned to a range that represents the career level of that position consistent with the following guidelines:

Range Descriptions

Range Career Level
E Senior Executive: Senior leadership role with long-term strategic impact on the course of the university.
D, E Executive: Manages significant administrative functions with major impact on the university. Involves direction of one or several senior or middle managers.
C, D Senior manager: Manages complex department or function with responsibility for coordinating multiple administrative activities.
C Middle manager/senior professional: Manages a department or program. May also apply to professionals and consultants who are recognized as university authorities in their fields of expertise.
B, C Entry-level manager/senior professional: Typically requires a bachelor’s degree or equivalent and four or more years of experience.
A, B Supervisor/maturing professional: Typically requires a bachelor’s degree or equivalent and two to four years of experience.
A Entry-level professional: Typically requires a bachelor’s degree or equivalent.

Administrative Salary Schedule

Starting Salary

Initial salary placements should be made within the recommended HR salary range. Placement should be based on factors such as prior experience, appropriate credentials, and length of service.

Initial placement at a level higher than the base Q2/median/mid-range but within the range itself must be accompanied by written justification and evidence of substantial experience or credentials relative to the position, and approved by the president.

Initial placement for institutional positions above the range of the applicable salary schedule must be approved by the Chancellor before an offer is made.

Permanent Change to Base Salary

Employees may request a permanent change to base salary. Final action for each request is made by the appropriate Vice President, the Executive Vice President and Provost, or the President and communicated to the employee.

Request Process

Request Type Instructions
Reason A: Requests based on a perceived inequity among similarly situated peers (not based on a protected class).
  1. Faculty member submits request to immediate supervisor. Requests can also be initiated by a supervisor on the faculty member’s behalf in a proactive manner, with the faculty member’s agreement.
  2. Supervisor reviews request (and can prepare additional documents as it relates to the request). This is not an approval or denial step, but a notification to the supervisor that a perceived inequity exists and that the faculty requests a review.
  3. The supervisor submits the materials to the appropriate administrative head for review. The head may add additional context to the request, but must forward for analysis to Human Resources in Workday with attached justification and employee resume
  4. Human Resources reviews and provides recommendation to the appropriate Vice President for final review and approval.
Reason B: Requests based on perceived inequity (based on a protected class)
  1. Faculty prepares request and submits to the Office of Equal Employment & Title IX. Requests can also be initiated by a supervisor on the faculty member’s behalf in a proactive manner, with the faculty member’s agreement.
  2. The Office of Equal Employment & Title IX investigates claim and completes official review
  3. Notification of decision sent directly to faculty member, appropriate administrative head, and when applicable Human Resources
Reason C: Requests based on significant change in job responsibilities
  1. Faculty and supervisor prepares materials to include with their case for salary review. Requests can also be initiated by a supervisor on the faculty member’s behalf in a proactive manner, with the faculty member’s agreement.
  2. The supervisor submits the materials to the appropriate administrative head for review and approval. If administrative head is not in agreement, they will notify the supervisor and faculty member.
  3. Human Resources reviews and analyzes the request.
  4. Human Resources provides recommendation to the appropriate Vice President for final review and approval.

Adjustments to salary are contingent on funding. Approved salary adjustments are reported yearly to the Faculty Senate. Adjustments that exceed 10% of base salary are reported to NSHE.

Cycle Schedule to Request a Permanent Change to Base Salary

About the Cycle Schedule

To support proactive workforce planning and position budgeting, Human Resources accepts requests to make permanent changes to base salaries four times per year. This includes promotions, equity, and additional duties as assigned.

Cycle Schedule and Timeline

Salary increases will occur four times a year, and the submission and review process occur in four cycles. Requests must be routed/received by the Compensation and Classification team by the end date of each period.

Cycle Workday Submission Period Opens (Departments are able to submit and route requests in Workday) Workday Submission Period Closes (Requests must be fully routed to the Compensation and Classification team) Effective Date of Permanent Change to Base Salary* (Date the salary increase becomes effective)
Cycle 1 April 1, 2024 April 15, 2024 July 2, 2024
Cycle 2** July 15, 2024 July 19, 2024 Oct. 2, 2024
Cycle 3 Oct. 1, 2024 Oct. 15, 2024 Jan. 1, 2025
Cycle 4 Jan. 2, 2025 Jan. 15, 2025 April 1, 2025

*No effective dates will occur on the same date of COLA.
**Limited submission windows are due to COLA transactional preparations. COLA upload to Workday is expected to occur on July 11 or July 12 for an October 1, 2024 effective date.

Processes for Submitting Requests

Merit Pay

The last merit approved by Nevada legislature was in FY24, it designated a 1% merit overall salary pool for effective 7/1/23. Visit the merit guidelines webpage for historical information.

Retention Incentive Bonus

The Nevada Legislature approved Assembly Bill 522 that includes four retention incentive payments of $250 for fiscal years 2024 and 2025, less standard deductions, to permanent employees who are employed in an academic or administrative faculty or classified position that is no less than half-time (0.5 FTE).

Eligibility Criteria 

To be eligible for retention payments, individuals must: 

  • Be a regular appointed part-time or full-time academic faculty, administrative faculty, or classified employee. 
  • Have a base salary of $120,000 or less

Tax Implications

The retention incentive payments are wages; therefore, Medicare tax and Federal Income tax will be withheld.

Ineligible Employees

Employees under the following classifications are ineligible for retention incentive payments:

  • Letter of Appointment
  • Part-time Instructors
  • Temporary Hourly
  • Student Employees
  • Graduate Assistants
  • Postdoctoral Scholars
  • Select Head Coaches

Payment Schedule

FY 24-25 Payment Schedule
Academic and Administrative Faculty Monthly

Employed on

Academic and Administrative (monthly) 

09/30/2023 11/01/2023
12/31/2023 02/01/2024
03/31/2024 05/01/2024
06/15/2024 06/30/2024 (off regular pay cycle)
09/30/2024 11/01/2024
12/31/2024 02/01/2025
03/31/2025 05/01/2025
06/15/2025 06/30/2025 (off regular pay cycle)

Longevity Pay

The passage of Assembly Bill 522 included a program to encourage employee continuity of service, also known as longevity. Under this program, eligible employees will receive semi-annual payments based on their years of service beginning in December 2023. 

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for semi-annual longevity payments, individuals must: 

  • Be a regular appointed part-time or full-time academic faculty, administrative faculty, or non-CBA covered classified employee 
  • Have eight (8) or more years of continuous state service. 
    • “Continuous state service” for longevity purposes includes uninterrupted service within the branches of state government, and uninterrupted service with NSHE as classified employees or academic and administrative faculty in regular non-temporary positions. 
  • Be employed within NSHE on the first of the month prior to the longevity payment. 
  • Have received a rating of satisfactory or higher on their most recent performance evaluation.

Ineligible Employees

Employees under the following classifications are ineligible for longevity payments:

  • Letter of Appointment (salaried and hourly)
  • Part-time Instructors
  • Temporary Hourly
  • Student Employees
  • Graduate Assistants
  • Postdoctoral Scholars
  • Classified employees under a collective bargaining unit (A,E,F,G) 

Additional Information

  • Longevity payments are retirement-eligible payments. 
  • Individuals employed for at least .50 FTE but less than 1.0 FTE during the six-month period prior to the longevity payment, will receive a prorated payment based on their average percentage of FTE for the six-month period prior to the corresponding longevity payment.
Longevity Payment Schedule for Eligible Academic and Administrative Faculty

Employee's years of service will be determined by rounding down to the nearest whole number. For example, an individual with 13.6 years would receive the payment of $225 for 13 years.

Quick Link: Nevada Board of Regents Policy on Longevity Pay, Chapter 3, Section 9

Years of Service June & December Payments
8 $100
9 $125
10 $150
11 $175
12 $200
13 $225
14 $250
15 $300
16 $350
17 $400
18 $450
19 $500
20 $550
21 $600
22 $650
23 $700
24 $750
25 $825
26 $900
27 $975
28 $1,050
29 $1,125



Cost of Living Adjustments

The Nevada Legislature meets every two years to discuss cost of living adjustments (COLA) as a part of the budget for the coming biennium, and has approved cost of living adjustments.

Below are the eligibility guidelines and an update to the “COLA History” cost of living adjustments approved by the Nevada legislature effective October 1, 2024.

Who is Eligible?
An employee is eligible to receive COLA if they were hired in an eligible position on or prior to June 30, 2024.* (unless indicated otherwise by their contract/offer)
Eligible Employees: All non-temporary regular continuing administrative faculty.
Ineligible Employees:

Postdoctoral Scholars, Temporary Faculty, Letter-of-Appointment Faculty, Medical Residents, Student Employees, Graduate Student Employees (TAs and RAs), and Volunteers, Adjunct Faculty and Emeritus Faculty (unpaid)

Ineligible Criteria:
  • Eligible employees who receive a permanent change to salary on or after July 1, 2024 are ineligible for COLA.
  • Employees who move to an ineligible position, move from full-time to part-time (below 50% FTE), or change from regular to temporary after June 30, are ineligible to receive COLA.
  • If an employee is eligible for COLA but terminates employment prior to October 1, 2024,  the employee will not receive COLA.

Appeals Process

Should the employee desire to appeal the salary decision of the vice president, the executive vice president and provost, or the president they may do so under the provisions of the UNLV Bylaws found in Section 13. Appeals for Nonacademic Faculty on Personnel Matters; which states:

13.1 Right to Request Reconsideration. Nonacademic faculty members have the right to request reconsideration of personnel actions denying salary increases, promotion or reappointment in accordance with the Nevada System of Higher Education Code (see Chapter 5, Section 5.2.4). (Salary increases include merit awards.)

Please note that denial includes the denial of a higher amount than that approved. As such, the following process is used to appeal an increase of zero and/or any increase that is less than the employee thinks appropriate.

The UNLV Bylaws outline the process for appeal in two steps, these steps include: 13.2.1 Written Request for Reasons of Denial. A nonacademic faculty member who has been denied a salary increase, reappointment, or promotion may, within 15 calendar days after notification of such denial, provide a written request to the department chair, supervisor or dean/director who rendered the negative decision asking for a statement in writing of the reasons for the denial. The response must be received by the non-academic faculty member within 15 calendar days after the appropriate administrator receives the written request for reasons. (See Nevada System of Higher Education Code, Chapter 5, Section 5.2.3.)

13.2.2 Reconsideration of Denial. Within 15 calendar days after the receipt of the written reasons for the denial of salary increase, reappointment, or promotion, a non-academic faculty member may request reconsideration of such denial. The request shall be submitted to the faculty member's supervisor together with the reasons, arguments and documentation supporting the request for reconsideration. The request for reconsideration shall be promptly directed through regular channels with recommendations from each administrative level for or against reconsideration of the decision. The Office of Human Resources will review request for reconsideration, and forward recommendation to the appropriate Vice President. Final action shall be taken within a reasonable time by the President or delegated appointing authority after receipt of the recommendations.

Administrative Faculty (Non-Exempt)

A few select positions at the University are designated as administrative faculty (non-exempt). These positions do not meet the minimum salary threshold and/or the duties test as required under the Fair Labor Standards Act in order to be classified as exempt. Therefore, these positions are eligible for overtime if they work an excess of 40 hours in a workweek.

Employees must receive pay for all time during which an employee is required to be on the employer’s premises or performing work activities. All time controlled or required by the supervisor and pursued necessarily and primarily for the benefit of the employer must be counted as work time.

Title IX

UNLV does not discriminate in its employment practices or in its educational programs or activities, including admissions, on the basis of sex/gender pursuant to Title IX, or on the basis of age (40 or older), disability, whether actual or perceived by others (including service-connected disabilities), gender (including pregnancy related conditions), military status or military obligations, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, national origin, race, color or religion pursuant to Title 4, Chapter 8, Section 13 of the NSHE Handbook.

Reports of discriminatory misconduct, questions regarding Title IX, and/or concerns about noncompliance with Title IX or any other anti-discrimination laws or policies should be directed to UNLV’s Title IX Coordinator Michelle Sposito. The Title IX Coordinator can be reached through the online reporting form, by email at titleixcoordinator@unlv.edu, by phone at 702-895-4055, by mail at 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 451062, Las Vegas, NV, 89154-1062, or in person at Frank and Estella Beam Hall (BEH), Room 555.


If you have any questions, please contact your college’s compensation and classification specialist.