Our mission includes providing assistance for our members in adapting to local life, promoting Chinese culture on- and off-campus, and educating the community on issues related to China and Chinese students. Many of our members are international students who have come from China to study at UNLV, and we seek to help our members become more comfortable to adjusting to the cultural changes and college life.


Who Should Join?

CSSA welcomes all students (undergraduate or graduate level) to join as members. If you are interested in the Chinese culture or are a Chinese student who would like help or advice from other members, you should join our family!

We have several committees for members to join and become more involved. Our committees include Event Planning, Finance, Human Resources, IT/Marketing, and Public Relations.


CSSA holds a variety of events throughout the year, ranging from cultural events to member socials. We also invite guest speakers to some of our meetings throughout the year to share their experience and advice on cultural awareness and professional development to our members.

Our largest event is the CSSA Chinese New Year Gala at UNLV, which takes place every spring semester around Chinese New Year. Since 2009, we have organized and planned various student performances to showcase at this gala every year. Last year, our gala attracted over 500 attendees, which included students, faculty and staff members, and local residents of the Las Vegas community.

Please join our Facebook group for more information!

Contact Us

Contact student leaders at unlvcssa@gmail.com.