Founded in 1927 as the Club Managers Association of America, CMAA is the largest professional association for club management professionals with more than 8,100 members throughout the US and internationally. In 2018, CMAA became the Club Management Association of America, a name better representing the composition of its membership. Our members contribute to the success of more than 2,600 country, golf, athletic, city, faculty, military, town, and yacht clubs.

The objectives of the Association are: to promote relationships between club management professionals and other similar professions; to encourage the education and advancement of members; and to provide the resources needed for efficient and successful club operations. Under the covenants of professionalism, education, leadership, and community, CMAA continues to extend its reach as the leader in the club management practice.

CMAA is headquartered in Alexandria, VA, with 38 professional chapters and 40 current and prospective student chapters.

What is UNLV CMAA?

CMAA is the largest professional association for Private Club Management professionals. Spanning not only throughout America but around the world as well. CMAA has 38 regional professional chapters and over 40 student chapters. Our chapter focuses on professional development, social networking, private club education, and working directly with leaders of the club management industry. 

CMAA also offers countless intern opportunities, many of which offer competitive wages as well as potential housing accommodations – a perfect intro to club management and a great way to meet your thousand-hour work requirement! 

Who's Eligible?

All students within the Hospitality Management major are encouraged to join UNLV CMAA. We are looking for students who are interested in private clubs or are looking for a more intimate setting of hospitality that combines many aspects into one property.

Contact Us


Joe Snyder

Faculty Advisor(s)

Suhaib Aamir

How to Join

UNLV Hospitality Students can join UNLV CMAA by registering as a national student member through this link and selecting UNLV as their chapter, the fee is $25 a year for student members and includes many benefits such as internships, access to further educational programs, and networking opportunities with industry professionals. 

If you are curious about UNLV CMAA, or would like to be involved, feel free to reach out to us at


Throughout the semester UNLV CMAA offers various opportunities for students, including professional development, resume building, LinkedIn, and mock interview workshops. In addition, students can take advantage of tours of local private clubs, trips to CMAA Greater Southwest meetings, annual trips to the CMAA Student Conference, and the CMAA World Conference and Business Expo where they experience industry panels and professional networking.