Accomplishments: William S. Boyd School of Law

Marketa Trimble (Law) recently was elected as an associate member of the International Academy of Comparative Law, an organization that brings together scholars to focus on the comparative study of legal systems. 
Ruben Garcia (Law) was appointed by President Rudy Fichtenbaum of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) to the association's Committee on College and University Governance for a three-year term. Garcia attended the AAUP's annual meeting earlier this month as a voting member of the Nevada Faculty Alliance.
Law professor Ruben Garcia presented "The Constitutional Right to a Minimum Wage'" at the Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, May 30, in Seattle. Garcia also co-chaired the activities of the association's Collaborative Research Network (CRN8) on Labor Rights.
Jean Sternlight (Law) is the recipient of the 2015 American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Dispute Resolution's Award for Outstanding Scholarly Work. The award is given to individuals who significantly contribute to the field of dispute resolution through scholarship. A distinguished leader in the field of dispute resolution for two decades, she…
Ruben Garcia (Law) helped organize and lead the 2014 Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) Biennial Teaching Conference at the Boyd School of Law in October in his capacity as co-president of the organization. The conference drew more than 200 participants from law schools throughout the country to discuss innovative methods of teaching about…
Ruben Garcia (Law) attended the ninth annual Labor and Employment Law Scholarship Colloquium in Boulder, Colo., in September. He spoke on the topic of how the politics of minimum wage affect low-wage nonunion workers. The colloquium attracts nationally recognized scholars who gather each year to discuss works, progress, and ideas in the field of…
Rachel Anderson (Law) was featured recently in Lawyers of Color magazine's "50 Under 50" list, which recognizes the nation's most influential minority law professors who are 50 years old or younger.
Ruben Garcia (Law) presented a paper, "Who are the 'Low-Wage' Workers? Definitional Difficulties for Scholars, Teachers and Social Movements," at the Law and Society Association (LSA) annual meeting in Minneapolis. He also had duties at the conference based on his service on three association committees, including co-chair of the Collaborative…
Marketa Trimble (Law) has written three forthcoming articles. The first, titled "The Marrakesh Puzzle," will be featured in an upcoming issue of the International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law. Another, titled "Advancing National Intellectual Property Politics in a Transnational Context," will appear in an issue of the…
Francine Lipman (Law) recently co-wrote an article, "Heal the Suffering Children: Fifty Years After the Declaration of War on Poverty," for the Boston College Journal of Law & Social Justice. He co-author was UNLV alum Dawn Davis.
Stacey Tovino (Law) has written three new law review articles. The first, "Lost in the Shuffle: How Health and Disability Laws Hurt Problem Gamblers," will be featured in the Tulane Law Review. Another, titled "Silence Is Golden ... Except in Health Care Philanthropy," will appear in the University of Richmond Law Review. Her third article, "…
Ann McGinley (Law) presented a paper, "We Are All Contingent Workers" at Feminism and Legal Theory at 30: A Workshop on Labor and Employment Law at Emory University Law School. The workshop was part of the Vulnerability and the Human Condition project established by professor Martha Fineman at Emory. This summer McGinley will serve as a visiting…