Accomplishments: William S. Boyd School of Law

Dan Bubb (Academic Assessment), Gregory Schraw (Education), David James (Academic Programs), Barbara Brents (Sociology), Kyle Kaalberg (Teaching and Learning), Gwen Marchand (Educational Psychology), Penny Amy (Biology), and Ann Cammett (Law) recently published an article in Assessment Update, a publication that is widely read by assessment…
Ruben Garcia (Law) traveled to the AFL-CIO in Washington, D.C., in May to participate in a planning meeting of the Community Partnerships and Grassroots Power Committee for the labor federation's annual convention this fall. He was appointed by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka as an academic and policy specialist. The committee will make…
Jean Sternlight (Law) and Jennifer Robbennolt of the University of Illinois College of Law recently were awarded the Wayne R. LaFave Award for Excellence in Faculty Scholarship for 2012 for their book, Psychology and Lawyering (ABA 2012). The award is given to the best book published in a year by a member of the University of Illinois College of…
Fatma Marouf and Michael Kagan (Law School) have been named Bellow Scholars for 2013 by the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) in honor of empirical research projects that promise to improve access to justice for underserved communities. The awards were announced at the AALS annual conference in New Orleans in January. They were honored…
Elizabeth MacDowell (Law) and Emily Troshynski (Criminal Justice) have been named Bellow Scholars for 2013 by the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) in honor of empirical research projects that promise to improve access to justice for underserved communities. The awards were announced at the AALS annual conference in New Orleans in…
Bryn Esplin (Law School) received the Early Career Scholar in Neuroethics Award for her work "Identical Prescriptions, Disparate Treatment: Anticonvulsant Usage in Frontal Lobe Epilepsy and Bipolar I Disorder," which she presented at the International Neuroethics Conference at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio in October.
Linda Edwards (Law), Jeffrey Stempel (Law), Jean Sternlight (Law), and Marketa Trimble (Law) recently discussed their books at a continuing legal education event titled Academe Meets Bar. Edwards discussed her book, Readings in Persuasion: Briefs That Changed the World. Stempel talked about his book, Fundamentals of Litigation Practice.…
Rachel Anderson (Law) was one of the recipients of the Medal of Justice awarded by the State Bar of Nevada for the Black History Month issue of Nevada Lawyer, which was published in February. This historic issue was a joint venture between the Las Vegas chapter of the National Bar Association (LVNBA) and the State Bar of Nevada and celebrates…
Ruben Garcia wrote the book Marginal Workers: How Legal Fault Lines Divide Workers and Leave Them Without Protection (New York University Press, 2012). In the book, Garcia weaves together vivid stories about workplace settings with thought-provoking ideas about legal boundaries, policy, and law reform.