Accomplishments: William S. Boyd School of Law

Ann C. McGinley and Benjamin P. Edwards (both Law) published an op-ed in The Hill about gender bias in the venture capital space. The op-ed discusses their law review article that will be published in the U.C. Davis Law Review.
Ruben J. Garcia (Law) gave the Peter Mitchell Labor Law Lecture, titled “Labor Law and the Public Interest,” at the National Law Students Workers' Rights Conference of the Peggy Browning Fund earlier this month. The Peggy Browning Fund supports summer fellowships at unions, nonprofits, law firms, and government agencies to inspire the next…
Benjamin P. Edwards (Law) presented on three panels at the Public Investors Arbitration Bar Association's annual meeting in Bonita Springs, Florida. The panels addressed the securities law issues associated with digital token offerings and the ethical obligations for lawyers working with clients with diminished capacity.
David Orentlicher (Law) recently published "Law, Religion, and Health Care," in the UC Irvine Law Review. He considers the extent to which physicians, hospitals, or employers should be able to deny patients access to abortion, aid-in-dying, or other care on grounds of religious conscience. Orentlicher writes that religious objections should…
Terrill Pollman (Law) has been selected by the Association of Legal Writing Directors and the Legal Writing Institute as the winner of the 2019 Thomas F. Blackwell Memorial Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Legal Writing. This distinguished award is presented annually to a person who has made an outstanding contribution…
Benjamin P. Edwards (Law) recently was interviewed on KNPR's State of Nevada about his op-ed in the Las Vegas Sun calling for more oversight for payday lending firms.
Benjamin P. Edwards (Law) published an op-ed in the Las Vegas Sun calling for the Nevada Legislature to fund a database to track payday lending activity. The op-ed highlights Nevada's struggles with consumer financial literacy and the need for effective oversight.
David Orentlicher (Law) recently published “Politics and the Supreme Court: The Need for Ideological Balance,” in the University of Pittsburgh Law Review. The divisive battle over the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court reflects a disturbing reality — the justices’ personal ideologies exert undue influence on the court’s…
Ann C. McGinley and Benjamin P. Edwards (both Law) published an op-ed in the Las Vegas Sun pointing out that legal ethics rules constrain the ability of attorney general candidates to associate with and endorse groups that use false and misleading speech.
Ruben J. Garcia (Law) has been appointed to a project based at the Harvard Law School labor and worklife program titled "Rebalancing Political and Economic Power: A Clean Slate for the Future of Labor Law."  The project began with a convening of law professors, labor attorneys, and organizers at Harvard Law School in July.…
Benjamin P. Edwards (Law) presented a paper at the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation's annual institute. His paper addressed the ethical obligations for lawyers serving on corporate boards. The institute peer-reviews all submissions and publishes them.
Ruben J. Garcia (Law) was appointed by Rudy Fichtenbaum, president of the American Association of University Professors, to the organization's Committee on College and University Governance for a three-year term.