Accomplishments: Department of Political Science

Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) has published the article "Efficiency over Generosity? Evidence of Electoral Accountability from Typhoon Dayoff in Taiwan" in the Asian Journal of Political Science. This article shows that Taiwanese voters will reward the county mayors by votes after they made the correct decision on typhoon…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) published a policy report exploring the psychology of national defense among Taiwanese people. In the report, Wang conducted and analyzed survey experiments to estimate multiple factors linking to the rational and irrational calculation on the potential military conflicts. Military experience,…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) and his colleagues, Fang-Yu Chen (Michigan State University), Charles K.S. Wu (Purdue), and Yao-Yuan Yeh (University of St. Thomas), were awarded $10,000 on the project "War, Collective Action, and Nation-building" by Global Taiwan Institute, a D.C.-based think tank. The project aims at using survey…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) co-authored the article "Is Free Speech Being Crushed by the U.S.-China Confrontation?" on The National Interest. This article discusses how citizens and even celebrities may be influenced by the exertion of sharp power and its implication to the future of democracy.
David Damore (Political Science) received the Allan Saxe Best Paper on State and Local Politics Award at last week's 99th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association in San Diego, for "Red State, Blue Metro:  The Case of Nevada," which was presented at the 2018 meeting in Orlando. 
Tiffiany Howard (Political Science), Brach Poston (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), and Stephen D. Benning (Psychology) have published a paper on the neurocognitive process of radicalization given individual exposure to digital extremist propaganda. "The Neurocognitive Process of Digital Radicalization: A Theoretical Model and Analytical…
Tiffiany Howard (Political Science), Marya Shegog (Environmental and Occupational Health and Lincy Institute), and co-authors Mikayle Lowery and Dea'Jiane' McNair, former Congressional Black Caucus Foundation interns and graduates of UC San Diego and UC Berkley, respectively, have published a health policy report on the connection between health…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) has published the single-author article "Do Social Movements Encourage Young People to Run for Office? Evidence from the 2014 Sunflower Movement in Taiwan" in the Journal of Asian and African Studies. This article shows that a student-led movement did not enhance the attractiveness of young candidates in…
The Department of Political Science and Pi Sigma Alpha (both Political Science) have published the 2019 volume of Governance: The Political Science Journal at UNLV. The publication showcases the latest undergraduate research in the various subfields of political science. Pi Sigma Alpha is the political science honor society. Nerses…
Monserrath Hernández (Journalism and Media Studies), Maribel Estrada Calderón (History), Marcela Rodriguez-Campo (Teaching and Learning), Elsa Lopez (Education), Laurents Bañuelos-Benitez (Education), Rodrigo Vazquez (Economics), and Nathalie Martinez (Honors) were each recently awarded a student scholarship from the city of Las Vegas…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) co-authored an article "Debunking Myths about US-Taiwan Arms Sales" on Pacific Forum. This article collects and debunks recent rumors regarding the U.S.-Taiwan Arms sales and its potential impact on the China-Taiwan-US relationship.
David Fott (Political Science) wrote the article "Celebrating Constitution Day," which was published in the Las Vegas Review-Journal on Sept. 15.