Accomplishments: Department of Political Science

Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) was invited by the Radio Taiwan International in Taiwan to have a talk on July 2 titled, "Media Resilience and Geopolitics." In this talk, Wang discussed the definition of cognitive warfare and its conflict with the freedom of speech. Wang then shared examples of cognitive warfare in Taiwan and showed…
A co-authored paper by Andrew Lugg (Political Science), "The Politics of International Peace and Security: Introducing a New Dataset on the Creation of United Nations Security Council Subsidiary Bodies," was recently published in International Studies Quarterly. The paper examines newly collected data on the creation of "subsidiary bodies" by…
Andrew Lugg (Political Science) recently presented his co-authored paper, "Connecting Regimes: Preferential Trade Agreements and the Management of the Intellectual Property Rights Regime," at the plenary session of the 16th Annual Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO) conference in Stockholm, Sweden. The paper develops a theory…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) was invited by the Academia Sinica in Taiwan to have a talk on June 21, titled "How the Large Language Model (LLM) may help advance quantitative studies" In this talk, Wang shared the recent development of ChatGPT and Copilot and explained the advantage and limitation of their advanced data analysis…
Naseem Benjelloun (Political Science) presented "Disproportionately Unrepresentative: The effects of Proportional Representation on the election of LGBT Parliamentarians" at the Southern Political Science Association Summer Virtual Conference 
Maryam Raja (The Lincy Institute; Brookings Mountain West; Political Science) recently attended the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Western Governors’ Association, representing Nevada as part of the Western Governors' Leadership Institute (WGLI). The WGLI is a prestigious program developed by the Western Governors' Association to…
Nicole Koval and Kenneth Miller (both Political Science) published their article, "Gender and Attack Advertising in U.S. Senate Campaigns," in Sage Open. In this article the authors find that candidates running in for office today are attacked in campaigns based on the issues on which their parties have weaker reputations with voters. But…
John Tuman, Michelle Kuenzi (both Political Science), and Hafthor Erlingsson, '19 Ph.D. Political Science, have published an article titled, "Structural adjustment, economic performance, and electoral volatility in presidential elections in Latin America," in the journal Latin American Policy.
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) was invited by the Department of Communication at the University of Washington to have a talk on May 15, titled "Fighting Against Cognitive Warfare: The case of Taiwan." In this talk, Wang shared his recent findings of China's cognitive warfare on Taiwanese people and its influence on the public…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) co-authored the article, "US-skepticism and transnational conspiracy in the 2024 Taiwanese presidential election" in HKS Misinformation Review. In this article, Wang and others analyzed the misinformation on social media platforms during the 2024 Taiwanese Presidential Election, and revealed that…
The Department of Political Science hosted the conference "A Season of Elections, New (or Renewed) Leadership, and Policy Impacts" on campus on April 26, 2024. The conference is sponsored by Taiwan Foundation for Democracy. Scholars and students from Japan, South Korea, India, Taiwan, UNLV, and other parts of the U.S. attended and presented their…
Austin Horng-En Wang (Political Science) published a co-authored chapter, "COVID-19 Pandemic and Cross-Strait Relations," in the new book, Public Opinion, Policy Responses, and Party Politics under the COVID-19 Pandemic. In the chapter, Wang and others reviewed how China and Taiwan governments responded to the cross-strait relationships…