Michael Kagan In The News

El Universo
The undocumented youth called 'dreamers', whose work permits expire between September 5, 2017 and March 5, 2018, have only until next Thursday to renew the program of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
Associated Press
The line stretches down the block before the sun rises in Los Angeles for immigrants seeking help to renew their work permits under a 5-year-old program that has shielded them from deportation but is now nearing its end.
Los Angeles Times
The line stretches down the block before the sun rises in Los Angeles for immigrants seeking help to renew their work permits under a 5-year-old program that has shielded them from deportation but is now nearing its end.
U.S. News and World Report
It's a race against the clock as many young immigrants who are shielded from deportation by an Obama-era program rush to renew their permits ahead of a looming Oct. 5 deadline set by the Trump administration.
The long lines of early voters outside Cardenas market became a lasting image of the 2016 presidential vote in Nevada. Latinos turned out in force at the Latin American grocery store in Las Vegas, helping deliver the state to Hillary Clinton.
Las Vegas Sun
Attorney Michael Kagan joins community organizations, activists and representatives at the East Las Vegas Community Center to discuss what President Donald Trump’s DACA decision means for the 13,000 Nevada DACA recipients on Tuesday,
K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3
It's an emotional day for thousands of DREAMers living, working, and going to school here in Nevada -- all of them now living with uncertain futures.
The Oregonian
Sergio Martinez returned to Portland after nearly a decade's absence. But he'd been busy in the meantime: Deported 12 times. Convicted three times for illegal re-entry. A rap sheet of crimes from burglary to theft in three states.