Michael Kagan In The News

The Nevada Independent
It seemed like a simple idea: provide Nevada immigrants with a modicum of security in an uncertain time by preventing law enforcement from engaging in certain federal immigration activities that they’ve said they have no interest in doing.
The Nevada Independent
A controversial immigration bill that would have codified certain law enforcement policies in state law, initially referred to as a “sanctuary state” bill, will not move forward in its current form, the primary sponsor said Tuesday.
K.N.P.R. News
In February, President Trump issued an executive order expanding categories for deporting people who are in the U.S. illegally.
Las Vegas Sun
An unmarked white van pulled up to Astrid Silva’s home last week. The driver approached with a box and asked for her by name. She asked what the box contained. “Flowers,” he said.
Trump says his daughter Ivanka has been ‘treated badly’ and ‘abused’ over the dumping of her clothing line.
US immigration authorities have arrested hundreds of illegal immigrants in US raids across the country this week, Reuters reported.
New York Post
U.S. federal immigration agents arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least four states this week in what officials on Friday called routine enforcement actions.
Officials say they are routine operations. Hundreds of people have been arrested in the last week in daily raids on homes and workplaces. It is a testament to the anti-immigration policies of Donald Trump.