Michael Kagan In The News

Daily Mail
Attorneys for President Barack Obama will have a chance on Friday to defend his executive action meant to help undocumented immigrants before a federal appeals court, where they may find a friendlier audience than they have had before.
Best response to immigration injunction is to be transparent about returning policy decisions to elected officials
Raw Story
President Barack Obama’s administration faces a difficult and possibly lengthy legal battle to overturn a Texas court ruling that blocked his landmark immigration overhaul, since the judge based his decision on an obscure and unsettled area of administrative law, lawyers said.
Business Insider
President Barack Obama's administration faces a difficult and possibly lengthy legal battle to overturn a Texas court ruling that blocked his landmark immigration overhaul, since the judge based his decision on an obscure and unsettled area of administrative law, lawyers said.
Steve Inskeep talks to Michael Kagan, a law professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, who also co-directs a clinic that offers free legal aid to immigrants.