Michael Kagan In The News

K.N.P.R. News
Nevada doesn’t have a sanctuary city. But other cities around the country have created areas where local government and law enforcement will not assist federal agents in catching undocumented residents.
Brazilian Times
They applied for the U Visa, which is awarded to crime victims who help the police to settle a case.
Las Vegas Review Journal
About three-quarters of DACA participants in Nevada who were eligible to renew their status did so by the Oct. 5 deadline, according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Las Vegas Review Journal
A few dozen undocumented immigrants who were at the Route 91 Harvest festival when a gunman opened fire on the crowd are attempting to turn tragedy into an opportunity.
Washington Post
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has been escalating his rhetoric against immigrants, this time targeting asylum seekers and the lawyers and adjudicators who handle their cases. He's been particularly upset about a surge in asylum claims by Central Americans fleeing gang violence, which he thinks is a sign of "rampant abuse and fraud." Last month, he called unaccompanied children who flee from MS-13 and other gangs "wolves in sheep's clothing."
Five Thirty Eight
This year’s Supreme Court term begins Monday with a flashback. Two of the first cases to go before the court are being argued for a second time, now with the crucial addition of new Justice Neil Gorsuch, who was not present for the original oral arguments last term and was therefore unable to weigh in.
Long Beach Press-Telegram
The line stretches down the block before the sun rises in Los Angeles, made up of immigrants seeking help to renew their work permits under a program that has shielded them from deportation but is now nearing its end.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Nevada is doing better processing immigration cases involving minors than the nation as a whole, but nearly a quarter of all such cases filed in the state since 2009 are still pending, according to federal data released last week.