Michael Kagan In The News

Las Vegas Sun
The threat of deportation has become a daily reality for many immigrants since the election of President Donald Trump.
Las Vegas Review Journal
The Metropolitan Police Department is training additional officers to act as immigration agents at the county detention center, the department said Tuesday in a meeting with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials.
This was a hectic year for immigration litigation, with a steady stream of big travel ban rulings and several immigration-related opinions from the U.S. Supreme Court, including ones on important issues like citizenship-stripping and bad attorney advice. Here are some of the biggest immigration cases from 2017.
La Opinión
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Wednesday ordered immigration judges to expedite as much as possible the disposition of pending cases in those courts, confirming among other things that it will review the effectiveness of the magistrates in "finalizing" pending cases and that the federal government will make a heavy investment in hiring to assist them.
K.N.P.R. News
Last Thursday evening, November 16, the stars of the local legal scene — Barbara Buckley, Jason Frierson, Harry Reid — gathered in an auditorium-style classroom at UNLV’s law school.
Las Vegas Sun
In 2014, the UNLV Immigration Clinic received a grant to provide legal assistance to unaccompanied young immigrants who have fled abuse and gang violence in Central America.
Las Vegas Review Journal
Las Vegas immigration judges are among the nation’s toughest when it comes to granting asylum, a new report from Syracuse University shows.
Las Vegas Sun
Standing on the front steps of the federal courthouse in downtown Las Vegas, Assemblyman Edgar Flores said that the only differential between recipients of temporary deportation relief and U.S. citizens is a “piece of paper.”