Jerry Tarkanian casting a shadow on stage
Athletics |
Public is invited to the memorial event honoring the former Runnin' Rebels basketball coach Jerry Tarkanian.
Signage with the UNLV logo on campus
Campus News |
Students at UNLV will join their counterparts around the globe in learning about giving back.
Joe Williams
Arts and Culture |
Special guests include Jack Jones, Clint Holmes, and more.
Nevada Business Hall of Fame logo
Campus News |
2015 class includes philanthropist Christina M. Hixson, paving innovator Robert (Bob) L. Mendenhall and land development executive Kevin T. Orrock.
Tax form
Campus News |
Classes will cover common tax credits, filing status and penalties for lack of coverage under Affordable Care Act.
Janet Dufek
Research |
Kids fall all the time, but bouncing back can be trickier when it happens in a hospital. Thanks to an internal grant, UNLV professor Janet Dufek has been able to collaborate with a leading children's hospital to tackle the issue.
A bee on a flower
Campus News |
As spring gets off to an early start, UNLV and CCSD program monitors allergen counts.
Arts and Culture |
Duo 2CELLOS is breaking down boundaries between classical and popular music.
Students watch a presentation about programming
Business and Community |
UNLV hosts Math Day event to encourage local high school students to continue their studies in math.
sign unveiled for Jim Rogers Way
Campus News |
Jim Rogers Way, the gateway to the UNLV Harry Reid Research & Technology Park, celebrates the impact of philanthropist and former NSHE chancellor.
Kai-Yu Ho
Research |
The human knee takes a continual pounding. UNLV's Kai-Yu Ho's latest research is identifying how such "shock-loading" stress contributes to arthritis.
Steen Madsen works with lab equipment and while wearing eye protection
Research |
A new, nanoparticle-based drug delivery system being developed by health physics professor Steen Madsen offers new treatment for glioblastoma.