A rendering of the UNLV School of Medicine
Campus News |
“60 by 16” fundraising campaign targets $6 million for 60, four-year scholarships; immediate community support has school nearly two-thirds of the way to goal.
Elsabeth Hausrath
Research |
Data from NASA’s Mars Exploration Program is helping Elisabeth Hausrath understand how soil and water might have once interacted on the surface of our solar system’s most-Earthlike neighbor.
Brasil Guitar Duo
Arts and Culture |
Together for 15 years, Joào Luiz and Douglas Lora perform a seamless blend of traditional and Brazilian works.
Close up shot of the "UNLV Honors Rebellion" t-shirt.
Campus News |
Honor College students tackle the Tough Mudder competition.
T-shirt that says U.N.L.V. Honrs Rebellion
People |
Honors College students hit it hard to prepare for a big test: a grueling obstacle course. Along the way, they learn more than they thought possible.
Historical photo of Frazier Hall, UNLV's first building
UNLV History |
The Oral History Research Center ensures the stories of yesterday will be here for our community tomorrow.
Gary Cordell and Larry Ransom play trumpet at a funeral
Arts and Culture |
The Community Concert Band, UNLV's premier community-based performance ensemble, will present the concert along with the UNLV New Horizons Band and the nonprofit group TAPPS.
Las Vegas strip
Campus News |
Local committee formed to bring candidates to UNLV.
Judy Bayley Theatre
Arts and Culture |
Featuring Shakespeare's "Much Ado about Nothing," Quiara Alegría Hudes's "Water by the Spoonful," Harper Lee’s seminal "To Kill a Mockingbird," Cole Porter’s "Kiss Me, Kate," as well as special holiday shows.
Pat Mulroy
Campus News |
Leading authority on public policy issues related to water, natural resources joins Boyd and its Saltman Center for Conflict Resolution; Mulroy also holds appointments with Desert Research Institute and Brookings Institution.
Barbara St. Pierre Schneider poses in her lab
People |
Battlefield wounds and disasters in remote areas often lead to patient evacuation by air. UNLV’s Barbara St. Pierre Schneider is exploring how cabin pressure during such flights may hinder trauma recovery.
Cover of Ad Week magazine featuring Kim Kardashian holding a pair of pixelated sun glasses
Arts and Culture |
Thursday's University Forum lecture dives into artistic integrity and social media. Join the discussion with local arts group leaders on the DIY social movement, edupunks, and the fine line between Kim Kardashian and Radiohead.