Current Policies
University Policy Committee Reviewed and President Approved
Academic Affairs
Academic Assessment Policy
Academic assessment of student learning is a process through which faculty can discern what and how well their students learn. It also is an effective tool through which meaningful conversations can take place about program objectives, curricular content and organization, and the alignment of course and program objectives with institutional objectives. Academic assessment gauges what and how well students are learning and is required for institutional accreditation by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). The NWCCU Standards mandate that UNLV develop program…
Responsible Office(s)
Policy For
Class Cancellation Policy for Instructors
The purpose of this policy is to state the university's position on instructors' absences from scheduled classes, however delivered. The word "instructor" is defined as faculty and all other teaching staff throughout this document.
Class Cancellation Procedures for Instructors
The procedures in this document supplement the Class Cancellation Policy for Instructors and apply to all teaching staff.
Criteria and Process for Selection of Honorary Degree Recipients
This policy establishes the University of Nevada, Las Vegas policy for honorary degrees.
Faculty Course Scheduling Policy
Identity Verification in Online Courses Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that a student who registers for an online or hybrid course is the same person who participates in, completes, and receives academic credit for the course. The policy also ensures compliance with provisions of the United States Federal Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), Public Law 110- 315, 34 CFR Part 602.17 (g) requiring verification of student identity in online courses or programs.
International Academic Programs Policy
The purposes of this policy are to ensure such programs are of the highest quality, to protect the integrity of UNLV, and to guard the interests of students, faculty and staff who participate in these programs through the approval process for such activities.
International programs present special circumstances impacting the reputation and accreditation status of UNLV, thus, detailed and thoughtful planning and review prior to implementation is essential to ensure program quality, health and safety considerations, and compliance with foreign laws. Offering UNLV courses and degrees…
Records Management Policy
In accordance with Nevada law, the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) has established requirements for establishing a records management program. Each NSHE institution is required to preserve and maintain records pursuant to the NSHE records management program.
This policy establishes that responsibility for meeting the requirements of the records management program belongs to all employees.
Repeating a Course For a Different Grade
UNLV’s policies for repeating classes follow the Board of Regents’ Handbook, but vary depending upon the individual student’s program of study. These policies are clearly stated within the UNLV Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs, and other official institutional documents ranging from the Board of Regents’ Handbook [hereinafter referred to as Handbook] to the individualized policies set by colleges, departments, schools and/or programs.
Student Personal Leave of Absence Policy
UNLV recognizes that for various reasons, students may need to interrupt their plan of study temporarily but without entirely withdrawing from the university. Filing a personal leave of absence enables students to return to their studies without the costs of applying for readmission. The university will record personal leaves of absence in the MyUNLV system.
Summer Term Policies
Advancement and Development
University Solicitation Coordination and Gift Acceptance Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to the UNLV community and the general public in order to facilitate the gift-giving process. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas encourages philanthropic creativity. Therefore this policy is provided to ensure that private gifts to UNLV are properly recorded and administered using appropriate internal controls and sound financial business practices. In addition, it helps to ensure that the process of acceptance, management and reporting of gifts is in compliance with external regulations and standards, NSHE policy and the university’s…
UNLV Graphic Standards, Including Logos and Trademarks
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the university's graphic standards, the use of UNLV's logo, wordmarks, official colors, and trademark licensing procedures, are always adhered to in order to protect and reinforce UNLV's identity and leverage the strength of the university's brand through consistent usage.
Facilities and Safety
Space Use Policy
The purpose of this policy is to state the university’s position on the utilization of its space and to identify the required procedures and approvals for space allocation, renovations, and category changes on all UNLV campuses.
The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) delegates to each institution the authority to control and manage its physical facilities in accordance with its mission, goals and needs. A guiding principle is that the university shall make the most efficient use of existing and new space.
The Executive Vice President and Provost has appointed the…
Use of Wheeled Conveyance on UNLV Property
The purpose of this policy is to create a safe campus environment that supports the various modes of transportation used at UNLV while considering the needs of pedestrians and those who operate manual or electric personal assistive mobility devices. It encourages respect for and courtesy to one another, recognizing that all can commute safely together, while allowing for the proper use of UNLV facilities and grounds to prevent property damage.
Video and Audio Recording Policy
The university is committed to the free exchange of ideas and freedom of action that should be found at any institution of higher learning. At the same time, it is committed to the safety and security of those who visit, work, or study on its campuses by integrating the best practices of safety and security with technology. A critical component of a comprehensive security plan is the utilization of camera and audio recording or surveillance systems (“Surveillance Systems”), including web-based and closed-circuit television (CCTV). The surveillance of public areas is intended to deter crime…
Faculty Affairs
Emeritus Policy
The purpose of this policy is to guide academic and administrative faculty applications for emeritus status. Emeritus status is granted to encourage continued association with the university for the purposes of university service, academic instruction, and scholarly investigation.
Entrepreneurial Leave Policy
The Entrepreneurial Leave Policy has been developed to establish policy and procedures for academic and administrative faculty interested in applying for entrepreneurial leave under the authority granted by the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE).
Flexibility of Pre-Tenure Probationary Period Policy
This policy is intended to provide faculty with a greater degree of career flexibility, in either advancing or delaying, when appropriate and justified, the tenure review. It is also intended to provide deans and chairs, when hiring academic faculty, with greater clarity and support in explaining to potential hires the flexibility that will be available in either advancing or delaying, when appropriate and justified, the tenure review. In this respect, it is intended to update UNLV's existing "early tenure" policy and bring it into conformity with national best practices for research…
Minimum Standards for Conducting Student Course Evaluations
The purpose of this policy is to establish minimum standards for course evaluations by students and maintain the reliability, validity, legitimacy, and anonymity of the evaluation instruments. In many departments, schools, and on its student evaluations may be the sole measure of teaching effectiveness that is utilized. In those units, it is critical that the evaluations be reliable indicators of teaching ability.
Responsible Office(s)
Policy For
Part-Time Instructor Credential Policy
Faculty, ranging from part-time and contingent instructors to tenured and tenure-track faculty, perform an essential function at UNLV: instruction, regardless of mode of instruction (i.e., in person, hybrid, online). As such, it is imperative to have university-wide standards for the credentials of all faculty, including part-time and contingent instructors who are sensitive to unit-level practices. The purpose of this policy is to require units to set field-specific minimum criteria for all part-time and contingent faculty teaching credit-bearing, undergraduate courses at UNLV, as is…
Textbook Selection
UNLV affirms its absolute commitment to the principle that the selection of textbooks and other classroom materials is the right and responsibility of the faculty member assigned to teach each particular course.
Responsible Office(s)
Policy For
Workload Assignment Policy and Guidelines
The UNLV Workload Assignment Policy and Guidelines shall be consistent with the academic mission of the University as represented by its Mission Statement. For the current UNLV Mission Statement, see
The goals from the University’s Strategic Plan, inasmuch as they reflect activities that are important to the University’s purpose, shall guide and inform the UNLV Workload Assignment Policy and Guidelines. For the current Strategic Plan, see the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Academic Master Plan at…
Parking Policy
This policy delegates the authority of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) to regulate parking to the Parking and Transportation Services Department.
Responsible Office(s)
Policy For
Recharge Center Policy
Recharge centers are established to provide goods and services for the convenience of their University customers. The centers are expected to offer goods or services that are unique, convenient or not readily available from external sources. The centers may not be subject to external market forces so initial approval and regular oversight are required. The rates charged by the center to federal grants and contracts should not exceed reasonable market rates available in the community. Importantly recharge centers operate on a non-profit basis and are not designed to accumulate state funds…
Responsible Office(s)
Policy For
Human Resources and Employee Benefits
Credentials Verification for Faculty and Professional Staff
As public institution of higher education committed to excellence in teaching, research, and public service and which is accredited by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas must ensure that academic faculty and professional staff possess appropriate academic credentials commensurate with the requirements of their positions and that academic degrees, where required, have been awarded by regionally accredited institutions.
Legacy Award and Legacy Awardee Designation Policy for Retired Classified Staff
The purpose of this policy is to establish a formal program for the continued affiliation and privileges for retired classified staff. Such affiliation, as outlined in this policy, is offered to recognize those employees that have been strong and consistent positive contributors to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). The award is also a method to help sustain the positive bond developed between the retired classified employee and UNLV. The program will be called the Legacy Award Program and recipients of the award will be known as Legacy Awardees.
Smoke-Free & Tobacco-Free Campus Policy
The University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) is committed to providing a safe and healthy on-campus learning and work environment for its students, faculty, staff, clients, contractors, vendors, visitors, lessees, and individuals residing on the UNLV campus.
UNLV acknowledges the multiple negative health impacts of smoking, using electronic smoking devices, and using tobacco products. It also acknowledges that these negative health impacts affect not just individuals who are smoking, using electronic smoking devices, and using tobacco products but also the people who are around them…
Responsible Office(s)
Policy For
Summary of NSHE Policies and UNLV Practices for Faculty Parental Leave
There is no single, comprehensive Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) policy pertaining to parental leave. Rather, various NSHE policies address annual leave, sick leave, and family medical leave. In addition, various UNLV practices pertain to parental leave situations involving faculty. NSHE policies and related UNLV practices regarding parental leave are summarized herein.
UNLV Emergency or Adverse Situations Remote Work Policy
Working remotely during an emergency or adverse situation does not change the terms and conditions of the individual’s employment with UNLV. Generally, an employee will not be eligible to work offsite if they are required to be on-campus to carry out their responsibilities. However, in positions that lend themselves to telecommuting, the following requirements are currently in effect.
UNLV Flexible Work Policy
UNLV recognizes that providing workplace flexibility supports the well-being of our employees and facilitates the opportunity for the goals of the university to be achieved. A flexible work schedule (“FWS”) is a non-traditional working arrangement that considers an individual’s personal needs, while effectively addressing and satisfying the university’s business needs. Recognizing that not every position affords the scope to utilize these arrangements, there are multiple ways in which a FWS can be tailored to address the needs of employees and the goals of the individual colleges, schools…
Legal, Compliance, and Administration
Alcohol Events Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for UNLV community and visitors conducting and/or participating in events where alcohol is served on the university campus or on leased premises. The policy exists to inform sponsors of the events involving alcohol about their responsibilities and the consequences for non-adherence.
Animals on Campus
The policy states the University of Nevada, Las Vegas' (UNLV) restrictions regarding animals on campus and pertains to all university locations.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) allows service animals to be on the University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus. The ADA defines service animals as "dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities." Nevada State law defines a service animal as an animal that has been trained to assist or accommodate a person with a disability and a service animal in training as an animal that is being…
Responsible Office(s)
Policy For
Digital and Media Copyright Compliance
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Ensure UNLV is in compliance with the copyright provisions in Section 487 of the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), which requires that universities develop and implement "written plans to effectively combat the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material by users of the institution's network without unduly interfering with the educational and research use of the network."
- Ensure UNLV is in compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
Formulation and Issuance of University Policies
This policy establishes the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) policy process and protocol for policy review and recommendation.
University Social Media Accounts Policy
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas is committed to free speech and open discussion on official University social media sites while creating an environment that protects those engaging in discussion from unlawful harassment, threatening language, spam, and political endorsements. This policy also outlines appropriate management of social media sites by University social media administrators.
Responsible Office(s)
Policy For
Contracts, Grants, and Purchasing
Printing Policy
UNLV has invested in having on-site printing capabilities to best meet the needs of the campus community. Our centralized printing operation has extensive technical printing experience and is designed to be responsive to university priorities. Reprographics offers offset, digital, and wide format printing and works closely with the graphic artists in Creative Services. The department has a philosophy of “right sourcing” - if a project does not fit the equipment capabilities on campus or cannot meet a tight deadline, then it will work with one of the printers it contracts with to get the…
University Artwork
The purpose of this policy is to establish oversight and management for university owned art and to provide guidelines on the display, conservation, acquisition, accession, commission, loan, and de-accession of university owned art.
Conflict of Interest Rules and Procedures
The Conflict of Interest/Compensated Outside Services Policy establishes the authority of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (“UNLV” or “University”) to manage all conflicts of interest and compensated outside services of individuals affiliated with the University.
The Nevada Revised Statutes (“NRS”) 281A.400-281A.480 detail the code of ethics applicable to public officers and employees of the state of Nevada, including restrictions on conflicts of interest and compensated outside services. NRS 396.110 grants authority to the Nevada System of Higher Education (“…
Conflict of Interest/Compensated Outside Services
The purpose of this policy is to establish requirements for identifying, managing, reducing, and/or eliminating conflicts of interest and managing compensated outside services. This policy complies with the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE), State of Nevada requirements, and federal financial conflict of interest regulations.
Responsible Office(s)
Policy For
Creation and Periodic Review of University Centers, Institutes, Museums, and Laboratories
This policy describes how centers, institutes, museums and laboratories within the University of Nevada Las Vegas ("University" or " UNLV") are defined, created, and closed.
Effort Reporting Policy
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to ensure that all persons responsible for effort reporting at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) have the necessary information to submit accurate and timely reports.
Export Control and Economic Sanctions Compliance Policy
This policy is intended to ensure compliance with the Export Control and Economic Sanctions Policy set forth in the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Procedures and Guidelines Manual, Chapter 14 and with U.S. export control and economic sanctions laws and regulations.
Responsible Office(s)
Policy For
Incentives for Human Research Subjects Policy and Procedures
This policy details the process for the incentivizing human subjects to participate in research projects at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). University faculty and staff have the legal obligation to both maintain confidentiality of individuals who take part in University research studies and satisfy the demands of financial accountability. Therefore, this payment process has been designed to maintain research subject confidentiality to the extent possible under the law, while meeting Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reporting requirements, and conforming to the University's…
Policy on Research Involving Human Subjects
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that members of the campus community adhere to federal, state, and local regulations, as well as university rules and procedures, when conducting research involving human subjects.
Public Land Permits
In order to comply with federal, state, county, and local laws and regulations, UNLV requires its faculty, staff, and students to obtain any required permits and/or authorizations prior to using public lands for university or university related activities.
Reason for Policy
The UNLV community makes use of public lands for many organized activities that enhance the university's teaching, research, and service mission. It is the university's intent to ensure that such use is accomplished in a legal manner. Personal liability for the UNLV community member is minimized…
Research Misconduct Policy
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas ("UNLV" or the "University") must comply with federal regulations requiring each institution of higher education receiving federal grants and contracts to have an administrative policy for handling allegations of research misconduct. This policy revises and supersedes the UNLV Research Misconduct Policy adopted on May 13, 2008. The purpose of this policy is to state UNLV's compliance with federal and state research misconduct policies and regulations.
UNLV is committed to the ethical and responsible conduct of research. Research misconduct can…
Rules And Procedures For Conducting Human Subjects Research
The purpose of these Rules and Procedures is: 1) to provide guidance to researchers who work with human subjects in research, 2) to describe the mechanism for review of human subjects research, and 3) to comply with federal requirements for the protection of human subjects in research.
The Office of Research Integrity-Human Subjects (“ORI-HS”) and UNLV’s Institutional Review Boards (“IRBs”) maintain and update these Rules and Procedures. These Rules and Procedures are an integral part of the human research protection program (HRPP) at UNLV. UNLV’s HRPP is a shared responsibility…
Sponsored Program Proposal Submission and Award Acceptance Policy
The purpose of this policy is to identify the required approvals for all sponsored program proposals and awards.
Student Affairs
Alcohol Response Policy and Guidelines for UNLV Students
UNLV has a commitment to its students, the campus community, as well as the local community to be proactive in its educational responsibilities which include responsible standards of behavior relative to alcoholic beverages. As a part of this commitment, UNLV includes educating the campus community regarding the responsible consumption and/or distribution of alcoholic beverages, as well as responses for misuse and/or abuse, as one of its responsibilities.
The Alcohol Response Policy and Guidelines (ARP&G) have been developed to provide guidance for the University of Nevada, Las…
First Year Housing Policy
In partnership with students and in support of the educational goals of the University, the office of Housing & Residential Life provides comfortable, safe and well-maintained residential communities. The accommodations, activities, experiences and opportunities offered on campus encourage students to progress toward becoming self-directed individuals.
Housing & Residential Life encourages students to develop friendships, join study groups and intramural teams, and apply and develop leadership skills. Housing & Residential Life staff help residents set goals, make…
Hate Crime
While hate itself is not a crime, hate crimes are particularly repugnant to the mission of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) and detrimental relative to the responsibility of UNLV to provide a safe environment for education, research and service for the University community because they are more likely to provoke retaliatory crimes, inflict distinct emotional harm on their victims, and incite community unrest. This policy is intended to equip UNLV to deter, respond to and investigate hate crimes that may be committed within the University community.
Rule of Construction…
Responsible Office(s)
Policy For
Health Withdrawal Policy
In keeping with the UNLV Student Conduct Code, each member of the University shares responsibility for maintaining conditions conducive to achieving the UNLV's goals. Further, the University holds students responsible for their own actions (UNLV Student Conduct Code, Purpose Statement, 2004). From time to time, however, the University faces situations requiring an immediate response involving students because their behavior poses a significant danger to others in the University and/or themselves. To address these situations and to fulfill the University's role in providing a safe campus,…
Policy on Speech and Advocacy in Public Areas
The University is committed to assuring that all persons may exercise the constitutionally protected rights of free expression, speech, assembly, and worship.
It is the responsibility of the President to assure an ongoing opportunity for the expression of a variety of viewpoints.
The time, place, and manner of exercising speech and advocacy on the campus are subject to campus regulations that shall provide for noninterference with University functions and reasonable protection to persons against practices which would make them involuntary audiences or place them in…
Posthumous Degrees Policy
The purpose of this policy is to standardize the awarding of posthumous degrees.
UNLV Student Email Policy
Official email communications are intended to meet student, faculty, and staff academic and administrative needs within the campus community. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, the university and its faculty may communicate with students officially by email and will expect that such email messages will be received and read in a timely manner. Official UNLV email accounts are created for all admitted students. The addresses are all in the form of [name] These accounts must be activated by the students through the Office of lnformation Technology Help Desk or online.
Technology and Communications
Acceptable Use of Computing and Information Technology Resources Policy
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Ensure that use of computing and information technology resources is consistent with the principles and values of the university including academic freedom, privacy, and security.
- Ensure that computing and information technology resources are used for their intended purposes and meet compliance requirements.
- Ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability, reliability and proper performance of computing and information technology resources.
Application Procurement and Implementation Approval Policy
The purpose of this policy is to protect the university by:
- Coordinating the development, compatibility, and growth of the university’s application environment;
- Utilizing limited university resources responsible for application administration strategically; and
- Ensuring applications meet university security requirements.
To accomplish this, the policy requires a formal approval process for the procurement and implementation of applications.
Breach of Information Notification Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the university meets its disclosure obligation in the event of an inappropriate release of sensitive, personal information.
Computer Management Policy
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Facilitate centralized desktop administration.
- Assist with maintaining desktop software licensing compliance.
- Ensure all computers meet minimum security requirements.
Computer Security Policy
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Maintain a safe and secure campus computing environment;
- Meet best practice computer security standards;
- Protect institutional data; and
- Comply with federal and state regulations.
Responsible Office(s)
Policy For
Data and Media Sanitization Policy
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Ensure that electronically stored data is not improperly released.
- Ensure that any repurposed electronic media does not contain data that a new user is not authorized to access.
Data Confidentiality Policy for Contractors
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Ensure employees understand their responsibilities when they contract with individuals or companies or who may have access to campus data during their engagement with the university.
- Ensure contractors understand their responsibilities for the protection of data during the performance of their contracted services.
- Ensure contractors who access data, directly or indirectly, are in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as relevant UNLV policies and…
Employee Email Account Policy
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Facilitate communication among all members of the campus community.
- Ensure email services are provided to all employees of the university in support of the teaching, learning, and research mission of the university and the administrative functions necessary to carry out that mission.
- Ensure email communications conducted by employees for university business purposes meet statutory requirements for State of Nevada employees.
Information and Communication Technology Accessibility Policy
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV or University) is committed to providing equitable access to and supporting an information technology (IT), digital materials, services and the environments in which information is used that is accessible to all, including individuals with disabilities. The creation and dissemination of knowledge is a defining characteristic of universities and fundamental to UNLV’s mission of education, research, scholarship, creative activities, and clinical services.
To this end, UNLV seeks to deploy information technology that has been designed,…
Institutional Data Governance And Management Policy
Institutional data are valuable resources of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) that directly support its central mission of education, scholarship, and service. Institutional data are used to both inform routine operational functions and to guide policy formation, program development, assessment, and strategic planning. Because the utility of data derives from its quality, security, and ease of access, sound data governance and management are essential to the attainment of institutional goals.
UNLV is the owner of institutional data even though individual units have been…
Mandatory Cybersecurity Training Policy
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Maintain a safe and secure information technology environment.
- Meet best practices for information technology security standards.
Mobile Application Implementation Policy
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Coordinate development and growth of the institution's mobile technology environment.
- Ensure mobile applications published under the UNLV brand reflect positively on the university.
- Ensure mobile applications meet university security requirements.
Responsible Office(s)
Policy For
Network Access Compliance Policy
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Create a secure network environment for UNLV's computer and network resources by establishing different levels of network access to meet the needs of UNLV staff and students as well as the general public.
- Ensure UNLV is in compliance with the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) guidelines and network security best practices.
Password Policy
Ensure that access to university systems is consistent with security best practices.
Establish minimum standards for passwords.
- Ensure that all users are aware of their responsibilities in effective password management.
Software Licensing Policy
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Ensure individuals understand their responsibilities regarding their use of university software.
- Help the university remain in compliance with its software licensing agreements.
The university's Copyright Policy covers the requirements for compliance with software copyright laws and regulations.
Technical System Administration
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Keep university systems and the data they contain secure in order to ensure high availability and to prevent the systems from being used for unauthorized purposes.
- Comply with federal, state, and NSHE statutes, regulations and/or policies.
Text Messaging Campaign Policy
Email to a university account is and will remain the official form of university communication. Text messaging campaigns are an additional method of communication the university may use to communicate with its constituents. While email remains the university’s official communication channel to students, faculty, and staff, mass/systematic text messaging provides an additional communication channel for timely, relevant, and important information to constituents.
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Define the circumstances under which…
Use and Reimbursement of a University Telephone
The purpose of this policy is to provide a set of guidelines governing the use and reimbursement of university phone service and equipment and to promote the responsible use of telephones and wireless communications devices, and to provide guidance for the use of such devices in compliance with state and federal regulations.
NSHE Procedures and Guidelines Manual, Chapter 4, Section 13 states that "sound internal control procedures require that each institution be responsible for creating policies that provide adequate review of its wired and wireless telephone charges on a monthly…
Wireless Network (Wi-Fi) Policy
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Maintain a secure network environment.
- Ensure seamless wireless network (Wi-Fi) services on campus.