Accomplishments: Women's Council

Michelle Follette Turk (History and Honors) has published a revised and expanded book, Gambling with Lives: A History of Occupational Health in Greater Las Vegas, a long-term study of health and safety in Southern Nevada, and the region's most catastrophic workplace disasters. Her research began as a dissertation at…
Brenna Renn (Psychology) published the manuscript "Modernizing Training in Psychotherapy Competencies With Adaptive Learning Systems: Proof of Concept" in the journal Research on Social Work Practice. She worked alongside colleagues from the University of Washington departments of computer science and engineering, social work, and…
Marketa Trimble (Law) has been appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board of the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition in Munich, Germany. The president of the Max Planck Society asked Trimble to serve on the board in light of her “outstanding expertise” in the field of intellectual property law, which is one of the core fields of…
Arpine Mkrtchyan (World Languages and Cultures) has successfully completed the online training ‘’La Francophonie: essence culturelle nécessité politique-2020" organized by University of Jean Moulin, Lyon, France. She has attended seven weeks of the following training and was awarded a certificate of success this month.
Angela Silvestri-Elmore and Linda Silvestri (both Nursing), along with their colleague Donna Ignatavicius, recently presented a poster at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Faculty Forum titled, "Strategies for Building Clinical Judgment in a Virtual Clinical Learning Environment." The poster was focused on ways nurse educators can…
Dharini Bhammar (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences) published an article, "Effects of Obesity on the Oxygen Cost of Breathing in Children" in Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. The co-author is Tony Babb from the Institute for Exercise and Environmental Medicine. They reported that higher resting energy requirements,…
Sheila Bock (Interdisciplinary, Gender, and Ethnic Studies) published a chapter, "#LatinxGradCaps, Cultural Citizenship, and the 'American Dream," in the edited volume Folklore and Social Media. Looking at the hashtag #LatinxGradCaps, it addresses how the aesthetic and narrative framings of immigrant identities in these online displays…
Barbara Roth (Anthropology) and Kathryn Baustian, '10 MA and '15 PhD Anthropology, published "Situational Power in Cooperative Communities: Indicators from Bioarchaeology in the Mimbres Region of Southwest New Mexico" in American Anthropologist.  
Jaclyn Roth (Architecture) recently received the AIA Nevada Academic Design Excellence Award. She is a sixth-year graduate student.
Zahra Mojtahedi (Healthcare Administration) published an article, “Obesity and COVID-19: The mTOR Pathway as a Possible Culprit," in Obesity Reviews. The co-author is Alireza Bolourian from the College of Pharmacy, Oregon State University. They introduced a novel mechanism by which obesity can increase COVID-19 susceptibility.
Danica G. Hays (Education) co-authored an article, "A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Supports and Barriers for Rural College Students," in the Journal of College Orientation, Transition, and Retention. The article outlines an exploratory sequential mixed-methods study on the environmental supports and barriers for students attending a…
Katelin Gilbertson (Economics, Brookings Mountain West, The Lincy Institute) was awarded the Best Lightning Talk Presentation Award in Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences for her excellence in research during the fall 2020 Virtual Undergraduate Research Symposium, sponsored by the office of undergraduate research (OUR). Her research on The…