Accomplishments: Women's Council

Dr. Neamat Hassan and Dr. Hassan Ziada (both Dental) co-authored a collaborative work, “The Motivation and Confidence in Choosing Dentistry as a Career among Dental Students: A Mixed‐Methods Study,” which appeared online on Jan. 29 in the European Journal of Dental Education. The article evaluated the career choice influences, motivation, and…
Dr. Ross P. Berkeley (Medicine) presented on "Cognitive Overload: Impact on Quality & Patient Safety" at the annual Southwest Regional Emergency Medicine Conference, along with speakers from multiple other emergency medicine residencies. Berkeley discussed several cases in which cognitive overload contributed to a missed diagnosis, and…
Marina Colacicchi-Garber (World Languages and Cultures) has had a new selection of poetry (in Russian) published in Prosodia literary magazine in Moscow.
Brittani Sterling, Brittany Paloma Fiedler, and James Cheng (all Libraries) were awarded a 2020 ALA Diversity Research Grant for their project, We're Still Here at Mid-Career: The Retention of Academic Librarians of Color and Our Lived Experiences.  The ALA office for diversity, literacy, and outreach services sponsors this grant…
Barbara Roth and Danielle Romero (both Anthropology), along with Katelyn DiBenedetto, '15 MA, '18 PhD Anthropology, recently published "Hunting Blinds, the Bow and Arrow, and Land Use Strategies in the Mojave Desert: New Insights from Afton Canyon" in the Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology. This article is based on archeological…
Mary Whitehead (Student Diversity and Social Justice) facilitated a virtual presentation and dialogue on "Identifying and Disrupting Racial Microaggressions on Campus" at the Not Just a Month series for students and faculty for the Barrett Honors College at Arizona State University.
Luis Ortega and Kristine Jan C. Espinoza (both Educational Psychology & Higher Education) presented during the CSN Spring Convocation on Jan. 15, on "Exploring 'Servingness' at CSN for Dual Designated HSI and AANAPISI Statuses." Both Ortega and Espinoza are doctoral students.
Debra L. Martin (Anthropology) is the author of "Violence and Masculinity in Small-Scale Societies." Archeological and ethnographic accounts of violence in small-scale societies represent a baseline for thinking about the ways that violence and masculinity originated and evolved, becoming entwined social processes. Male violence (lethal and…
Jungnam Kim (Counselor Education, School Psychology, and Human Services) published the manuscript “The Relationship Between High School Sophomores’ Purpose Orientations and Their Postsecondary Completion a Decade Later” in the Professional School Counseling Journal. She worked alongside colleagues at California State University at Fresno on…
Maria Aladjova (Health Sciences), Marlon Urquico (Liberal Arts), Peter Clancy (Sciences) and the College of Engineering Advising Center are the winners of the 2020-21 UNLV Academic Advising Awards presented by the office of the vice provost for undergraduate education and the Academic Advising Council leadership team. These awards recognize…
Kristian Thymianos (Political Science, The Lincy Institute, Brookings Mountain West) and Joe Bradly, '20 BA Interdisciplinary Studies, recently co-authored an OpEd in the Las Vegas Sun titled, "Right-wing Terrorism has Become a Defining Issue." Thymianos and Bradly discuss recent events involving right-wing terrorism and provide suggestions…
Ariana L. Garcia, Blanca E. Rincón, and Juanita Hinojosa (all Educational Psychology & Higher Education) co-authored a book chapter, "'There Was Something Missing:' How Latinas Construct Compartmentalized Identities in STEM" in the book An Asset-Based Approach to Advancing Latina Students in STEM: Increasing Resilience,…