Accomplishments: Women's Council

Gabriela Buccini (Environmental and Occupational Health) is the first author of a newly published article, "Nurturing Care Indicators for the Brazilian Early Childhood Friendly Municipal Index (IMAPI)" in the Maternal and Child Nutrition journal. The Nurturing Care Framework calls for establishing a global monitoring and accountability…
Rebecca Gill (Political Science) and Daniel J. Mallinson (Penn State Harrisburg) published "Strategies for How Men Can Advance Gender Equity in Political Science," an introduction to the symposium they co-edited in PS: Political Science & Politics. This symposium includes 10 articles covering a wide range of ways that men can work to promote…
Drs. Sandhya Wahi-Gururaj, Aditi Singh (both Medicine) and Chad Cross (Environmental and Occupational Health), along with Drs. Bhavana Bhaya, Dimal Patel, Justin Jeffries, and Edward Co, all former chief internal medicine residents (Medicine), presented their research poster at the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine Online 2021 meeting…
Arpita Basu (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences) and Lung-Chang Chien (Epidemiology and Biostatistics) in collaboration with researchers at the University of Colorado and the University of South Florida published a report on the dietary associations of food and nutrient intake with the development of coronary artery…
Arpine Mkrtchyan (World Languages and Cultures) has successfully completed the online training "Parcours évaluation (DELF-DALF)'' organized by University CLE Training/ Université CLE Formation / Paris. Mkrtchyan has attended 12 hours (one week) of the training and was awarded a certificate of success earlier this month.
Kathryn Houk, Ruby Nugent, Aidy Weeks, and Xan Goodman (Libraries) are among a group of health sciences librarians who will receive President's Awards from the Medical Library Association during the organization's annual meeting in May.  Houk, Nugent, and Weeks will receive the award for their contributions to the MLA Spanish-…
Jennifer R. Pharr (Environmental & Occupational Health), Lung-Chang Chien (Epidemiology & Biostatistics), Jason D. Flatt, and Axenya Kachen (both Environmental & Occupational Health), along with Babayemi Olakunde, '20 PhD Public Health, recently published an article, "Exercise as a Mitigator of Poor Mental Health Among Lesbian, …
Arpita Basu (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences); Kenneth Izuora (Medicine); Jefferson Kinney, Arnold Salazar (both Brain Health); and Jeffrey Ebersole (Dental) published a randomized double-blind controlled trial in Nutrients on the effects of strawberry antioxidant supplementation in adults with the metabolic syndrome. The results revealed…
Zihan Ye (Finance) and her co-authors, Kimberly Cornaggia, John Hund, and Giang Nguyen, recently had their paper, "Opioid Crisis Effects On Municipal Finance," accepted to The Review of Financial Studies. The paper investigates the effects of opioid abuse on municipal finance. Research shows opioid abuse lowers credit ratings, increases…
Karen E. Callahan (Environmental & Occupational Health) recently published an article on "Kidney Cancer Mortality Disparities among Hispanics in the US" in the journal Cancer Epidemiology.  Kidney cancer incidence is increasing among Hispanics but rate differences by distinct group, such as Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Mexican have not…
Gabriela Buccini (Environmental and Occupational Health) is a co-author of a newly published article, "Maternal Mental Health Mediates the Relationship Between Household Food Insecurity and Early Child Development in Brazil" in the Food and Nutrition Bulletin journal. Household food insecurity (HFI) is a well-known risk factor for…
Ruby L. Nugent and Aidy Weeks (both Libraries) presented the poster, "UNLV Libraries' Peer Mentor Cohort: A Model for Successful Allyship and Support Amongst Women Faculty" at the 9th Annual Faculty Women of Color Assembly Conference. Nugent and Weeks work in the Health Sciences Library.