Accomplishments: Department of Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education

Steven Payne (Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education) published "A comparison of paired- and multiple-stimulus-without-replacement preference assessments to identify reinforcers for dog behavior" in the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, the flagship journal of the field of behavior analysis, along with his…
Sharolyn D. Pollard-Durodola (Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education) and Jorge E. Gonzalez (University of Houston) recently published, "Content Literacy: Integrating Social Studies and Language," as part of the Handbook on the Science of Early Literacy.
Congratulations to the following winners of the 2023 College of Education Faculty Awards: Distinguished Research Award: Federick Ngo (Educational Psychology, Leadership and Higher Education) Distinguished Teaching Award: Tina Vo, Teaching & Learning Distinguished Service Award: Sophie Ladd, Teaching &…
Jenna Weglarz-Ward (Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education) presented a session at Nevada's Early Learning Institute 2023 titled, "How Building Relationships Supports the Inclusion of Young Children with Disabilities." This virtual session shared a framework for building partnerships with families of young children with disabilities…
The College of Education's department of early childhood, multilingual, and special education attended the Council for Exceptional Children's 2023 Convention March 1-3 in Louisville, Kentucky. Across faculty and graduate students, they presented eight sessions about supporting students with disabilities and their families. Presenters included…
Monica R. Brown, Pricella Morris (both Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education), M. Matute-Chavarra (NMSU), and E. House (NMSU) recently published a book chapter titled, "You Must Learn”: Remixing the Rhythm in the Classroom," in W. Hunter, J. Taylor, & L. Scott (Eds.), The Mixtape Volume 1: Culturally Sustaining…
Steven W. Payne (Early Childhood, Multicultural, and Special Education) published an article, "Cross-Species Replication of Functional Analysis Methodology," in Applied Animal Behaviour Science. This article reviews the literature trends in the burgeoning area of the functional analysis of problem behavior of non-human animals…
Alain Bengochea (Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education) co-authored an article in Review of Education, titled, “A review of the methodological characteristics of vocabulary interventions for emergent bilinguals in preschool to sixth grade.“
Gerilyn Slicker (Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education) received the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Early Education and Child Development (EE/CD) Special Interest Group (SIG) Outstanding Dissertation Award for her dissertation titled, "Provider Participation in the Child Care Subsidy System: A Mixed Methods Study…
Alain Bengochea (Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education) co-authored "Sustainable translanguaging pedagogy in support of the vulnerable language: honoring children’s ways of ‘Showing’ and ‘Telling’ in an early childhood dual language bilingual education program" in the International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism.…
Pricella Morris (Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education) and Monique Matute-Chavarria (New Mexico State University) co-authored an article titled, "Black mother scholars matter: Navigating anti-Black educational spaces for our Black boys," for a special issue of the Journal of Multicultural Affairs. 
Monica R. Brown (Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education) published "A content analysis of educators' perceptions of anti-Black bias: Implications for Black Students" in the Journal of Multicultural Affairs, 7(2).