Accomplishments: William S. Boyd School of Law

Benjamin Edwards (Law) published a short piece summarizing a recent article highlighting how the post-Trump era Supreme Court poses systemic risk to the global financial system in the Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog. Many financial markets depend on the steady functioning of self-regulatory organizations. Yet these…
Eve Hanan (Law), co-director of the Misdemeanor Clinic, spoke at a Mob Museum panel discussing the new documentary, Racially Charged, which examines how misdemeanors serve as an engine for racially discriminatory policing and criminal justice debt. 
Eve Hanan (Law) published an article, Talking Back in Court, in the Washington Law Review. The article analyzes three types of power that prevent defendants from responding to opportunities to advocate for themselves in court: sovereign, disciplinary, and social-emotional power. The article argues that the dynamics of social-emotional…
David Orentlicher (Law) recently discussed, “From the Academy to the Legislature: Translating Health Policy into Law," at the 2021 Annual Health Health Law Professors Conference of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics.
Marketa Trimble (Law) authored chapter "Intellectual Property and Geography," which was published by Oxford University Press in edited volume "Handbook of Intellectual Property Research." In the chapter, Trimble explores the various facets of the “law and geography” research prism, notes the existing research avenues, and suggests potential…
Ruben J. Garcia (Law) published his article "Building Worker Collective Action Through Technology" in Volume 65 of the St. Louis University Law Journal.  The article argues for the development of mobile applications for workers to leverage collective power by providing voice channels to each other and to government agencies.
Keith A. Rowley (Law) testified before the Nevada Assembly's Judiciary Committee in opposition to a bill that would have had negative repercussions to the existing commercial law regime in Nevada, potentially placing Nevada consumers and businesses at a competitive disadvantage. He then worked with the bill's proponents (and with other…
Benjamin Edwards (Law) published an op-ed in the Nevada Independent arguing that the Nevada Legislature does not need to pass a statute to enact a securities law exemption already proposed to be codified within draft regulations.
Ruben J. Garcia (Law) will moderate a panel from 4 to 5:30 p.m. April 1 titled "Labor Roots, Labor Leaders: Hispanic and Latinx Workers Show Their Strength" with Latino/a labor leaders from across the country representing the Texas AFL-CIO, the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, UNITE HERE, and the Labor Council for Latin American…
Ruben J. Garcia (Law) will speak at Labor in the 21st Century Challenges and Opportunities: A Worker-Centered Economic Recovery. A Changing Legal and Regulatory Environment, A Contested Political Terrain, hosted by Cornell University's Lois Gray Innovation Initiative on Friday, March 26. The conference is free and open to the public and will be…
Marketa Trimble (Law) wrote "Targeting Factors and Conflict of Laws on the Internet," which appears in The Review of Litigation. In the article she discusses questions of personal jurisdiction based on acts on the Internet and the effects of those acts on the Internet — questions that are surprisingly unsettled.
M. Eve Hanan (Law) published "Invisible Prisons" in the U.C. Davis Law Review. The article applies the theory of epistemic injustice to address the paucity of attention given to the lived experience of incarceration in U.S. sentencing policy.