News: University Libraries

collage of book covers
Arts and Culture |

The UNLV Teacher Development & Resources Library recommends fantasy and science fiction books for your kids (or even a good read for yourself).

Chris Stream speaking
Campus News |

The sudden transition to remote learning will be bumpy, says UNLV's Chris Stream, but the forced change will speed technology infrastructure improvements.

View of empty Vegas Strip walkway with sign that says: Times are tough, but so are we.
Business and Community |

A photographic look at the now-empty spaces along the city's iconic boulevard.

student seated at a computer terminal in lied library
Campus News |

Access to Lied Library Is Restricted to UNLV, NSHE-Affiliated Students, Faculty, and Staff in Response to COVID-19

gallery reception
Arts and Culture |

UNLV Honors College student Nathalie Martinez reflects on the stories and impact of Latinex artists.

exterior at night
Campus News |

Pilot program to offer more secure access to Lied Library at night to continue during spring and fall semesters.

Woman talking to man in front of academic research poster
Campus News |

Best Teaching Practices Expo showcases their research, tools, and technology.

computer stations in library
Campus News |

Both the desktop and mobile version improve accessibility.

Students in red shirts walking outside on campus
Business and Community |

A collection of news stories from 2019 highlighting UNLV's impact in Southern Nevada and beyond.

UNLV professor Matthew Lachniet works in his lab on campus.
People |

A collection of stories highlighting UNLV faculty and students who made the news in 2019.

A selection of album covers from Mariah Carey, NSync, Michael Buble, Sam Smith and others
Campus News |

Check out these UNLV holiday playlists to soundtrack your merrymaking this holiday season.

A U.N.L.V.-branded banner falls to reveal University Center Drive, formerly Swenson Street.
Campus News |

Alumni, students, and community members lead effort to rename Swenson Street as University Center Drive.