News: University Libraries

A newspaper clipping
Research |

The last great pandemic has remarkable similarities to our own.

Peer coach at a whiteboard
Campus News |

The Libraries’ undergraduate peer research coaches explore first-gen issues in a new podcast series.

three people in tv studio
Campus News |

'We Need to Talk' discussion series continues. Tune into the next episode Oct. 29.

steaming pieces of bacon
Campus News |

University Libraries helps consumers navigate the confusing world of health care news.

student wearing face covering sits on ground, using laptop
Campus News |

Diversity, safety, and success become the foundation for UNLV.

A group of blue donkeys fight two red elephants
Business and Community |

We're all mad at each other online all the time. Why, and what do we do about it?

woman smiling
Research |

Brookings Mountain West and The Lincy Institute student researchers embrace remote learning and engage in public policy research to benefit UNLV and the region.

student-athlete and book "A Most Beautiful Thing"
Campus News |

Open to all UNLV students, the new initiative designed to encourage campus engagement.

Aidy Weeks sitting on couch.
People |

The university's commitment to diversity drew this health sciences librarian to UNLV.

several hands clasped
Campus News |

Educational series explores issues on race and seeks solutions for a more inclusive society.

A doctor stands next to a piece of medical equipment
People |

Doctor tracks down the UNLV administrator who helped him succeed years ago.

A lone student works at a bank of computers
Campus News |

Reopenings — set to begin with Lied Library Monday — will include new social distancing and safety measures.