News: University Libraries

A pile of books is topped by a special edition of Candide by Voltaire.
Research |

June 6 marks the 75th anniversary of the Allied landing on the beaches of Normandy. As men fought their way through France, it was books like these that helped sustain them during wartime.

An exterior view of the Colusa Casino on a sunny day.
Research |

An Eadington Fellow examines the initial debate over gaming on Native American reservations from the perspective of the tribal leaders that initially advocated for it.

The Hate You Give, The Outsider, Harry Potter and Twilight
Arts and Culture |

Want to encourage kids to read this summer? Don't shy away from books that take on challenging topics.

commencement cap saying "1st Gen Chin Cona Momo Mi Madre"
Campus News |

Check out the exhibit at Lied Library to see what messages Latinx students have conveyed at commencement in recent years.

Two workers lean in to work on a model of the Bellagio.
Arts and Culture |

Eadington Fellow Dorothy Barenscott examines what role art plays in the rebranding of the Vegas gaming experience.

Kristen Costello poses in front the of the Lied Library Automated Storage and Retrieval System.
People |

The Ray Donovan of University Libraries works behind the scenes to tackle tech issues and ensure students and faculty can access materials.

couple laying on lawn
UNLV History |

The old UNLV yearbooks in Special Collections offer a look at campus love in decades past.

tourists on Las Vegas Strip
Research |

Eadington lecture explores how local governments around the country can balance security and hospitality in their venues.

Diana In Sight
Arts and Culture |

Collection Book.Art.Object, curated by Peter Michel, looks at the books that are, in themselves, art objects.

UNLV assistant professor Sophie Ladd reads a book to a group of students.
Business and Community |

UNLV assistant professor encourages teachers-to-be to keep diversity front and center in the classroom.

Collage of book covers Born to Run, Smile, The Shakespeare Requirement and Vanishing Vernacular
Campus News |

Wrap up these literary recommendations from the biggest readers on campus.

Librarian and student in an instructional session
Research |

A national, multi-institutional study finds that academic library instruction helps keep undergraduates in school.