For years, Mandy the Skeleton has helped UNLV students in Lied Library prepare for anatomy and physiology exams. But Mandy has a lot of free time on his hands since the COVID-19 pandemic sent the campus into a remote instruction mode. Here’s a peek at how he’s spending his days, following social distancing guidelines and wearing a mask out in public, as he waits for campus to re-open and students to return.
While reference requests are being done remotely at, Mandy’s still hoping someone stops by the Reference Desk with a question.
With nobody coming in for books, Mandy’s watching Tiger King on Netflix at the Circulation Desk.
With nobody coming in for books, Mandy’s watching Tiger King on Netflix at the Circulation Desk.
No line at the Book ‘n’ Bean, but he still can’t get a mocha latte.
A history buff loves going through Special Collections and Archives materials.
Mandy does a little self-diagnosis.
Taking a spin through the stacks.
Everyone needs a potty break.
Mandy says to wash your hands often.
When it’s time for lunch and the cafe is closed, Mandy might swipe a co-worker’s leftovers.
Scanning old family photos in Digital Collections.
Someone found a place to nap in the library.
If only the Makerspace was open, Mandy could 3D print some friends.