News: School of Integrated Health Sciences

Frank Cucinotta poses outdoors
Research |

Professor’s research examines how much cosmic radiation is too much, and what damage it can cause.

Boyd Law School building
Campus News |

University’s top ranked graduate/specialty programs include Boyd Law School’s legal writing program at No. 3, dispute resolution at No. 9.

A woman wearing protective googles and holding on vials
Research |

UNLV leads regional 13-university partnership, with University of Nevada School of Medicine, to put clinical health research into practice.

Jillian Inouye
Research |

Treating diabetes takes more than medicine. Professor Jillian Inouye explains some of her research into the social and emotional factors at play.

John Mercer
Research |

They won’t firm your bottom but they can help you get fit.

James Navalta
People |

Alumnus brings his expertise in exercise physiology back as a professor in the School of Allied Health Sciences. The avid runner talks about exercise, your immune system, and his own bad eating habits.

Student working out at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center.
Athletics |

To perform like an Olympian, you have to think like one. Kinesiology professor Gabriele Wulf explains how to change your thoughts to boost your results.

Crowd of Commencement graduates
Campus News |

Nine students, including a mother of two who after years of working as a dental hygienist received her dental degree and became class valedictorian, are being honored as spring 2012 Outstanding Graduates.

Wall of awards
Arts and Culture |

UNLV employees recently were honored at the 2012 Academic Recognition Ceremony with systemwide and universitywide awards for notable research, teaching, and service.

Palm trees and U.N.L.V. banner
Campus News |
A park
Research |

Program managers in Clark County can better use free and easily accessible parks for healthy living initiatives.

UNLV student Juan Ramirez
Business and Community |

UNLV student outreach effort hopes to head off adult obesity by starting with preschool education