Accomplishments: Department of World Languages and Cultures

Susan Byrne (World Languages and Cultures) participated in a debate with professor Eric Graf of the Universidad Francisco Marroquín (Guatemala), titled "Tilting at Windmills." The July 22 debate about the multiple messages in Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quijote, was a breakout session during the 11th  annual conference (…
Susan Byrne (World Languages and Cultures) recently presented at two international conferences. The first presentation, “Los tres poderes incorpóreos en Cervantes, desde La Galatea al Persiles,” was presented in June at UiT, the Arctic University of Norway, at Tromso, during a conference titled Cervantes en el Septentrión. The…
Susan Byrne (World Languages and Cultures) published "'Essentiae' en Ficino y en el Quijote: Las letras y la preceptiva cervantina" in Cervantes ayer y hoy, a volume of essays on Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes edited by Nuria Morgado and Lía Schwartz, and published by the Hispanic Society of America in New York.
Elena Gandía García (World Languages and Cultures) has been awarded UNLV's Division of Educational Outreach Faculty Excellence Award for 2017. Her efforts will be formally recognized at an awards ceremony April 19.   
Margarita Jara (World Languages and Cultures) authored a chapter titled "The Present Perfect in Peruvian Spanish: An Analysis of Personal Experience Narratives among Migrant Generations in Lima" that appears in the book Aorists and Perfects edited by Marc Fryd and Pierre-Don Giancarli (Université de Poitiers 2017).
Margarita Jara Yupanqui (World Languages and Cultures) participated in an international symposium on Indo-American Languages in Contact, with Juan Carlos Godenzzi (University of Montreal), José Ramón Carriazo (UNED, Madrid), and Munia Cabal (Western Illinois University). The event "El español y las lenguas indoamericanas: interactividad y…
Giuseppe Natale (World Languages and Cultures) presented a paper, “’The Oil Route’ by Bernardo Bertolucci: An (Un)tech Documentary,” during a session titled "Italian Literature and Film" at the annual conference of the American Association of Teachers of Foreign Languages earlier this month in Boston.
Susan Byrne (World Languages and Cultures) recently gave two invited presentations:  "Marsilio Ficino in Spain: The Spiritus," at the Department of Hispanic and Portuguese Studies of the University of Pennsylvania on Nov. 18 "Las constituciones cervantinas, en la política del siglo XVII español y la del XVIII…
Jamie Wong, Jordan Myrda, and Edgar García (all World Languages and Cultures) each has been awarded a $500 Wing and Lilly Fong Scholarship for accomplishments in, and further study of, Chinese language. Administered by the UNLV Foundation, the grants were awarded through a committee chaired by professor Ying Bao of the department of…
Susan Byrne (World Languages and Cultures), was elected a "vocal" (spokesperson) to the Board of Directors of the Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas (International Association of Hispanists) for the triennial period 2016-19.
Nikki Davis (Journalism and Media Studies) was named one of the most promising multicultural students of 2016 by the American Advertising Federation (AAF). She was one of 50 students selected for the prestigious program’s 20th anniversary class. She was one of only three students from the western United States. In recognition of her achievement,…
Deborah Arteaga (World Languages and Cultures) received the award for Excellence in Classroom Teaching, Post-Secondary Level, 2014 from the Southwest Conference on Language Teaching, whose members are from Nevada, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah. There is one award per year at the post-secondary level.…