Accomplishments: Department of World Languages and Cultures

Marina Garber-Colacicchi (World Languages and Cultures) received a 2019 Ernest Hemingway Award in the poetry category. The award is issued by The New World literary magazine based in Toronto, Canada.
Marina Garber-Colacicchi (World Languages and Cultures) had a selection of poems titled "The Dead Hour" published in The New Review Quarterly in December.
Marina Colacicchi-Garber's (World Languages and Culture) fourth and final part of selection Poems of 2016 was published in Russian-German editorial The Text.   
Margarita Jara (World Languages and Cultures) presented the paper “Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity of Diminutives in –it in Peruvian Amazonian Spanish” at the Hispanic Linguistics Conference 2019, held by the University of Texas at El Paso last month.
Marina Colacicchi-Garber (World Languages and Cultures) wrote "The Death of Comedy: Joker," an essay film review that appeared in the Russian-German editorial The Text. She also wrote an essay on “10 Important Books.” The books were selected out of those read over a lifetime.   Both articles are in Russian.  
Vanesa Cañete-Jurado, Jorge Galindo, and Alicia Rico (all World Languages and Cultures) presented papers during the annual conference of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, which was held in San Diego earlier this month. Cañete-Jurado presented "Performing Freedom: Drama Translation as Political Engagement in 19th-Century…
Deborah Arteaga (World Languages and Cultures) was invited to present a talk, "Cultural Aspects of Communicating with Hispanic Patients," as part of Berry College's community engagement series.  
Susan Byrne (World Languages and Cultures) was one of 11 jury members who decided the 2019 winner of Spain's most prestigious literary prize, the Premio de Literatura en Lengua Castellana Miguel de Cervantes. The jury met in Madrid earlier this month, and this year's winner was poet Joan Margarit i Consarnau, who writes in both Catalán and…
Deborah Arteaga (World Languages and Cultures) presented a paper, "Dialectal Aspects of Medical Spanish," at the 76th annual conference of the South Central Modern Language Association.
Alicia Rico (World Languages and Cultures) recently published an article, “Apuntes gastronómico-sociales de El Chef ha muerto," in La nueva literatura hispánica (2019). In this article, she analyzes how the author, Yanet Acosta, uses gastronomy to make a critical comment regarding contemporary Spanish society and the…
Susan Byrne (World Languages and Cultures) presented a paper titled "Poetry in Prose: de buenas a bellas letras" during the conference El poder de la palabra poética en España y el Nuevo Mundo, the 14th Biennial Conference of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry held at the University of California, Irvine, earlier…
Deborah Arteaga (World Languages and Cultures) published the following edited volume, Contributions of Romance Languages to Current Linguistic Theory (Springer Press), to which she also contributed the chapter "Obviation and Old French Subjunctive Clauses."