Experts In The News

Las Vegas Sun

Nevada must reject any offer Congress makes to open Yucca Mountain in exchange for enhanced federal funding. The reason is simple: Any deal is not worth the risk.


About 100 miles east of Los Angeles, Palm Springs, with its cloudless skies, bright sunshine and warm temperatures, was the desert playground of golden-era Hollywood.

Las Vegas Review Journal
Republicans in control of the Nevada Senate are keeping Democrats on their toes, slipping ideas historically pushed by the Democratic Party into bills backed by the GOP.
Las Vegas Sun

Students won’t arrive for another two years, but Barbara Atkinson, planning dean for the UNLV School of Medicine, has been busy crafting the school’s curriculum, recruiting and hiring faculty and scouring the state for donors.

Los Angeles Times
In a relatively small state, Harry Reid loomed terrifically large, so his decision to exit the U.S. Senate after 2016 opens a massive void that left members of both parties scrambling.
Las Vegas Sun
The law values human life by punishing people who take it. Against this landscape, self-defense — or the law of justifiable homicide — carves out a narrow exception.
Geo News

A 2.8-million-year-old jawbone fossil with five intact teeth unearthed in an Ethiopian desert is pushing back the dawn of humankind by about half a million years.

The Guardian
The discovery of the oldest remains of human ancestors could prove that we evolved from different species