Experts In The News

Las Vegas Weekly

We’re looking at the heavy-duty digits of a Hubo humanoid robot hanging in his UNLV engineering lab, and Paul Oh is trying to help me understand why they’re not as elegant as mine. Yet.


A two-year slide in gold and quieter casino tables have opened a $170 million hole in Nevada’s budget even as its economy booms, pushing Governor Brian Sandoval to rethink dependence on mining and gambling.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Las Vegas doesn’t get much credit for it, but it really is a literary sort of city. Think about all the times over the years that Las Vegas has served as fodder for authors, journalists, novelists and anybody else who felt moved to put pen to paper and tell us who we are and how we got here. In fact, there’s so much Las Vegas lit out there, the real problem is: Where does an inquisitive reader begin?

K.N.P.R. News

The “idiot” study from last month’s British Medical Journal used data from the tongue-in-cheek ;Darwin Awards, which recognizes nominees who, “improve the gene pool by eliminating themselves from the human race in an obviously stupid way.” So far, 87 percent of the award winners have been male.

Nevada Business

Medical education in Nevada is growing and is poised for significant expansion. Collectively, the current and proposed changes will eventually go far in reversing the state’s shortages of medical students, physician residency programs, doctors and nurses.

Las Vegas Review Journal

Does full-day kindergarten improve children’s health? That’s the big question UNLV health sciences researchers plan to examine.

Las Vegas Review Journal

In academia, plagiarism is considered high crime.
But what if the culprit comes from the agency that oversees higher education in the state?
Documents show Frank Woodbeck, executive director of the College Collaborative with the Nevada System of Higher Education, copied large sections of a Brookings Mountain West report draft to create a competitive grant.