Experts In The News


Researchers monitoring a recovering population of Peregrine Falcons in southern Nevada have discovered that the birds are contaminated with mercury, an element that has been correlated with increased mortality or reduced reproductive success in raptors and wading birds.

Las Vegas Sun
Organizers of UNLV’s proposed medical school knew from the start that getting students to enroll in their program before it was fully accredited might be a tough sell.
Futura Planète

Once bathing in the waters of the southwestern United States, a fish, Cyprinodon macularius , found in the Death Valley basement, has surprisingly adapted after the drastic change in its aquatic environment. The adaptation of its metabolism to new conditions is an astonishing example of physiological plasticity.

K.N.P.R. News
Republicans won’t have Senator Harry Reid to kick around anymore. And Nevadans won’t have Reid to bring home the pork, or to protect the state.
The New York Times

Senator Harry Reid, the Senate Democratic leader who announced his retirement last week, settled into a corner booth at the Triple George Grill here, his faced masked by dark sunglasses, evidence of lingering injuries from a workout accident that left him blind in one eye.

National Geographic

Tiny pupfish have adapted their respiration to go without oxygen for long stretches.

And you thought you could hold your breath for a long time. Enter the desert pupfish, a tiny fish that has been playing evolutionary catch-up due to the extreme changes in its environment over the last 10,000 years.

Softpedia News

The desert pupfish has evolved to go without oxygen for considerable periods of time to survive its harsh environment