Michael Kagan In The News

Associated Press
The city of Las Vegas has joined Clark County in suspending warrantless detention of arrestees at the request of federal immigration authorities, pulling two of the largest jails in Nevada from the program and prompting warnings from federal officials of threats to public safety.
U.S. News and World Report
Las Vegas police have suspended a program let local jailers detain immigrants at the request of federal authorities, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said Wednesday, following a court ruling in California that the American Civil Liberties Union said could have a similar effect in other states.
K.N.P.R. News
Las Vegas police have suspended a program that let local jailers detain immigrants at the request of federal authorities, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said Wednesday, following a court ruling in California that the American Civil Liberties Union said could have a similar effect in other states.
Associated Press
Las Vegas police have suspended a program let local jailers detain immigrants at the request of federal authorities, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said Wednesday, following a court ruling in California that the American Civil Liberties Union said could have a similar effect in other states.
K.S.N.V. T.V. News 3
The city of Las Vegas says it will no longer detain people on immigration holds, joining Las Vegas Metropolitan Police in suspending its agreement with federal authorities.
Nevada Current
Muslims are misunderstood and former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wants that to change.
The Nevada Independent
The top Nevada official for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) recently complained to the Las Vegas Review Journal that it takes three or more years to deport mothers without criminal records. “Who knows what could happen in those three years? She could have three more babies,” said Dana Fishburn, acting deputy field office director for ICE in Nevada.
Nevada Current
Adriana Arellano Cruz longed to see her children after being detained at the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention center inside the Henderson jail. But it seemed like a never-ending list of obstacles kept Cruz from wrapping her arms around her three, U.S. born children — Omar, 21, Kimberly, 16, and AJ, 12.