Michael Kagan In The News

89.3 KPCC
This is the part of the United States Code that makes entering the U.S. without documents a misdemeanor. It’s repeal would mean that entering the U.S. without papers would be a civil offense, rather than a criminal one.
Huffington Post
A string of former Obama administration officials have railed against 2020 hopeful Julián Castro’s call to decriminalize border-crossing, highlighting a widening split between the progressive primary field and parts of the party establishment.
C.B.S. News
Sen. Cory Booker is reintroducing legislation Tuesday to block controversial Immigration and Customs Enforcement partnerships with local law enforcement, making the New Jersey Democrat the latest presidential candidate to stake out a position on the issue this year.
Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., will reintroduce a bill aimed at preventing Immigration and Customs Enforcement from forming partnerships with local law enforcement, CBS News reports.
C.B.S. News
Former Vice President Joe Biden and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand made time to sound off on immigration this week, stumping on a pivotal issue in immigrant-heavy Nevada.
Las Vegas Sun
As a professor of law and the director of the UNLV Immigration Clinic, Michael Kagan’s passions are twofold: make sure students get the education they need and make sure undocumented immigrants, primarily immigrant children, get a fair day in court. Kagan has kept watch over the expansion of the clinic the past few years, and while he calls its advocacy “a drop in the bucket,” he and UNLV law students are providing a service he talked about with the Weekly.
Nevada Current
Democratic Assemblyman Edgar Flores made it clear from the very beginning of the hearing: He is not attempting to get local law enforcement agencies out of the immigration enforcement game entirely.
Las Vegas Review Journal
A bill that would restrict local law enforcement from cooperating in some cases with federal immigration authorities but stops short of enacting so-called sanctuary state laws is pleasing neither side of the immigration debate.