U-N-L-V Flashlight
Arts and Culture |
NCT artistic director Christopher V. Edwards directs the comedy on love, lust, and mistaken identity.
People |
This experiential learning coordinator says the best part of his job is helping students achieve "eureka" moments.
Forty-Three Days 43 Names on display in the Barrick Museum
Arts and Culture |
This project by Javier Sanchez is in conjunction with the UNLV Barrick Museum in solidarity with the disappearance of 43 students who attended the Normal University in Ayotzinapa, a rural school in the state of Guerrero, Mexico.
Rebecca Metty-Burns headshot
People |
This career services coordinator advises that everyone develop a personal definition of success.
U.N.L.V. sign
Arts and Culture |
"Reflecting and Projecting: Twenty Years of Design Excellence," Dec. 10-Feb. 28, presented by Las Vegas chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) in collaboration with the UNLV School of Architecture, UNLV Galleries, and Barrick Museum.
Barbara Atkinson
People |
The new School of Medicine planning dean on changes in health care, access to doctors, and what's needed to improve the health of Southern Nevadans.
Len Jessup
Campus News |
Jessup, dean of the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona, will become UNLV's 10th president effective Jan. 5.
Brach Poston
People |
This new professor is a heavy lifter in terms of neurophysiology research and Olympic-style competition.
Guitarist Denis Azabagic
Arts and Culture |
Azabagic, performing as part of the Allegro Guitar Series, was the youngest musician ever to win one of the most prestigious international guitar competitions sponsored by the Jacinto and Inocencio Gurerrero Foundation in Madrid.
Leanne Soter
People |
This program coordinator helps faculty members work service activities for local nonprofits into their course requirements.
American flag
Arts and Culture |
The concert benefits UNLV student veterans and honors D-Day veterans/French Legion of Honor award winners Gaetano "Guy" Benza, 89, and Davis "Dave" B. Leonard, 90, and all Americans who serve our great nation.
U.N.L.V. signpost
Business and Community |
Exhibit explores history between the Culinary Workers Union, Local 226 and the City of Las Vegas.